chapter -15

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(pai leans to Sky.....)

Sky: Is this for real P'Pai? Or is this another bet of yours?

(Pai stops and moves his face away from Sky but he doesn't let go of his hands on Sky's waist....)

Pai: It's not.... I really like you Sky...
Sky: You know what P'Pai.... Trust is like a glass.... Once it's broken no matter how you fix it... It will never be the same....
Pai: I know.... But can you give me a chance to fix it? I know it won't be same but I'll make sure not to break it every again and keep it safe for the rest of my life..... Please Sky... I'm just asking you for a chance... Can you give me a chance to prove myself Sky...My feeling for you Sky?

(Sky is looking into Pai's eyes which are filled with tears and Sincerity and he can see that he is sacred....)

Sky: Fine..
Pai: You Mean...?
Sky: I said fine... I'll give you a chance....

(Pai hugs Sky tightly.... )

Pai:(crying) Thank you Sky...Thank you for giving me a chance....
Vee: Congrats guys!!

(Pai and Sky get shocked and look at the others...)

Team: Don't tell me that you guys forgot that we are also here....
Rain: Not just us our parents are also here....

(Sky looks in the direction where Rain is looking and he sees his parents and uncles standing there....)

Sky: dads..I...
Tharn: We support you guys... don't worry... What do you say Sea?
Sea: I'm so happy our son also found a boyfriend for himself.... Now Just Mark and Rain are left.... I hope they will find someone soon to...
Mark: Not intrested... I prefer single life...
Rain: yeh right....

(Sun gets a call and she rubs her forehead.....)

Dean: who was it?
Sun: You guys carry on... I have something to deal with....
Rain: Let me go with you....
Sun: No it's okay.....

(Sun leaves.... Everyone enjoys playing in the water.....)

Type: Kids... Enough playing... Let's have dinner...
Then: Okay...
Type: Paris.. you can go to Sun's room and Change.. she has already got the clothes ready for you.... Net can to take her there...

(Net takes Paris to the room and leaves...)

Paris: Wow... This room is just like what I expected.... A dark vibe and neat...

(Paris sees a baby blue colour sweatshirt and white pants on the bed...)

Paris: This clothes are kind of cute... It doesn't match with her personality....

(She notices some small clothes... Those are undergarments....)

Paris: This size? she ....size? Shit!!!!! Oh my god it's embarrassing.... She said it's....small..... Shit!!!

(Paris face turns red and she started yelling and cursing because of embarrassment.....)

(After a while Paris joins others for dinner.... Everyone looks at her....)

Sea: These colours really suits you...
Type: yeh it does...
Jimmy: Did Sun had clothes in these colours?
Tharn: yeh... I have only seen her wearing... Dark blue or black or white something like that...
Paris: I was thinking the same...
Sea: She bought these for you... When she was leaving.... She told us that.. she ordered some clothes for you... And told us to keep them in her and ask you to change....
Paris: Really? Thankyou for these..
Sea: Come and have dinner...

(They all were having dinner.... When they were.about to finish... Sun came in..)

Net: You are back?
Sun: yes...
Sky: You look tired.... Have you had your dinner yet?
Sun: Not yet... I'm not hungry... I'll go and take a shower first....bye guys...
Net: Sun...I won't be staying tonight... Dad asked me to go home....
Sun: okay... Call me when you get home okay?
Net: Okay... I'll be going then...see you guys later....

(Net gives a peck on Sun's ceek and lip and leaves.... )

Sun: You guys carry on...I'll go and fresh up....

(Sun goes to her room.... Payu gets a call....)

Payu: Okay Pa.... I'll tell them... Dad's...
Sea: Yes dear...
Payu: Oru Parents asked all of you to come and Stay at the Theerapanyakun's Mansion this coming weekend.....
Type: This weekend? What do you guys say?
Jimmy: We are okay with it....
Dean: We are free too...
Pai: So it's decided....
Payu: By the way....Paris... Pa said you didn't pick up his call...
Paris: Huh?

(Paris checks her pocket.... Then she remembers that she left it in the room earlier....)

Paris: I forgot it in the room.... I'll go and get it...
Payu: Okay...

(Paris rushes towards the room and gets inside and looks for her phone.... She couldn't find it and then she looked under the bed.... Suddenly...)

Sun: What are you doing?

(Paris gets up and looks behind and sees Sun in her bathrobe.... The robe is tied below her belly and doesn't have sleeves.... The robe is revealing her white skin and numerous tattoos from her neck to her belly..... There is water dripping from her chin then between her chest then her abs.... She is drying her hair with her left hand..... Paris is stunned seeing her like this..... Her face has turned red.... Sun smirks seeing her staring at her body..... Paris is lost in her own world...)

Sun: Looks tasty?
Paris:(staring) yes .it does...

(Sun chuckles....)

Sun: what are you doing in my room?

(Paris comes back into her senses and turns red....)

Sun: Is it this one? It was in the bathroom....
Paris: Yeh... I'll go now byee...

(Paris snatches the phone from Sun and runs outside the room and goes back to the others.... )

Vee: Are you okey? Do you have a fever?
Paris: No..
Pai: Then why are you so red?
Paris: Nothing I am fine...
Payu: Then let's go back home?
Paris: Okay...

(The Theerapanyakun's left the Mansion... Later at night.....)

Sun: Dad..
Jimmy: Yes dear...
Sun: I won't be able to join you guys this weekend....
Tharn: Why?
Sun: I have to go for a business meeting before the weekend... I don't know how long it will take...
Sea: It's so sad that you won't be coming....
Type: Sun you okay?
Sun: I'm Pa....
Tharn: Is it because of what happened in the party?
Jimmy: Is it?
Sun: No... You know me... I'm just busy with work...
Sea: Don't overwork yourself... Take care of your health...
Sun: Okay I won't.... I'll leave then... I have someone document to go through.... Okay...

(Sun leaves the room....)

Jimmy: I think she is hurt...
Type: Tharn What really happened that day....?
Tharn: That day at the party....


(Vegas is standing on the balcony  looking at his drink in the hand...)

Tharn: What are you doing here drinking alone?
Vegas: Just thinking...
Tharn: Thinking what?
Vegas: About what you asked me that day...
Tharn: What did I ask you?
Vegas: About getting a girl instead of Venice....
Tharn: What about it?
Vegas: When Vee introduce his girlfriend.... I realised something....
Tharn: what?
Vegas: That if it was a girl instead of Venice.... I might have killed her or abandoned her...
Tharn: But why?
Vegas: Because of my father's bitch.... I don't want that women's daughter with me.... I have always hated women.... If it was a girl.... I don't know what I might have done... I'm glad that it was Venice....
Tharn: Yeh... It's good that it was a boy but I want to tell you this... Not every woman is like what you think... There are good people too...
Vegas: I know... But I still hate women....
Tharn: I understand..... It was Venice nit a girl then why are you thinking about it ? Let's go and join the others....
Vegas: You go... I'll be there in a minute

(Flashback ends....)

Tharn: After that I saw Sun standing there.... I asked her if she heard anything and she just give me a smile and left.....

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