chapter -4

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(Next day at the Theerapanyakun Mansion)

Payu: There is a Race Tonight....
Win: Tonight?
Payu: Yep and there is a new team...
Mos: New?
Payu: The Dark X clan
Paris: Hey do you mean...
Payu: Yep the mysterious riders who have never lost a race....
Pai: But they are about too😏😏
Pharm: But no one knows who they are right? Then does P'Pakin know them?
Payu: I asked him... He said he has never seen their faces but he somewhat knows them a bit....
Win: No matter who they are they are not gonna win against us 😏🔥
Pai: yeah...

(Night at Street circuit)

Payu: P'Pakin, you came to see the race today?
Pakin: how can I miss the race today? Pai: Look around it's really crowded today
Pakin: Why won't it be? Dark X clan is coming today... They all came to see their race....
Win: When will the come?
Pakin: Soon...
Chan: Sir they are here....

(Everyone looks at entrence.... A grey coloured truck comes in and stops at Dark X station...The door opens and 7 guys come out in black outfits with their faces covered.... Then some workers came and opened the truck and started getting the bikes and car out....)

Payu: I have never seen those bikes or car before....
Pakin: It's because they are the only one in the world...
Vee: what do you mean P'Pakin?
Pakin: Their leader X made those... She developed those by herself...
Win: She?
Pakin: Yes... It's a girl... She is fond of bikes and cars...
Pai: Have you checked those?
X : yes he has.....

(Everyone looks at X)

X : hlo P'Pakin..
Pakin: hii X

(They shake hands...)

Pakin: it's an honour to have you guys here...
X: the honour is all ours... Thanks for letting us participate...
Pakin: Suree.... Let me introduce... These are the top racers here.... Pai is the No.1 then Payu.. then Win, then Vee, then Paris and Mos is the No.1 in car racing... And this is Pharm he doesn't race he like watching them....
X : you are really a cute guy Pharm...
Pharm: Thank you...😳
Chan: Sir everything is ready....
X : Then I'll get going.... All the best guys...
Win: You should be saying that your team...😏😏
X : (laughs) I don't need to... They have never lost a race...😉
Pai: They haven't but they are about too...😏😏
X : we will see.. byee then...

(X leaves and everyone gets ready for the race..)

Paris: Why do I feel that she is familiar...?🤨
Pharm: you are just imagining... Get ready...come on..
Paris: yeah..

X : The 1st racer is Vee, Zai you are going right?
Sky: No... I want to race with No.1
Mark: Okay... Then I'll go...
X : okay then Kai will go....

(Everyone gets ready and the riders reach their bikes and get on it...)

MC: Welcome everyone for today's race... As you can see there is a lot of people here to see the race... Without any delay let's start the race... So the 1st race is between Vee, one of our best racers with Kai from Dark X clan.... Let the countdown begin....

(3,2,1 and go.... The race Started and Vee was leading the race... Everyone thought that Vee was going to win but.... After the last turn Kai overtook Vee and Crossed the finish line.....)

Vee: Shitt!!! Damn it....🔥🔥🔥
Kai: Nice race man...

(Kai extended his hand and they both shook hands...)

Mos: You okay?
Vee: Mm...
Paris: He is really nice....
Payu: They why do u think they are known as the best?🤨😏
Pai: Next is you P'Mos....
Mos: Don't worry... I've never lost a match... And I'll never lose it....😏😏
Pai: That's the spirit man...🔥🔥🔥

MC: Racers please get ready and stand by your vehicle....
Payu: let's go..
MC: So the next race is not a bike race but a car race... We have Mos the No.1 racer who has never lost a match... And XO from Dark X clan who is also a wonderful Racer.... Get ready guys the race is about to being.....

(Both got set in the cars.... The countdown begins 3,2,1...go.... The race Started and XO is leading the race.... Mos tried many times to shake him and overtake him but none of his plans worked...)

Payu(Through earphones): P'Mos with his speed he can't take the last turn.... He have to slow down to take the turn... That's your chance to overtake him....
Mos: yeh... That's my plan....

(The last turn came but instead of slowing the speed XO increased the speed....)

Mos: What's he doing??🤨🤨
Payu: I don't know....

(The last turn came and XO did a beautiful drift and completed the race....)

Pai: Shitt!!! That was insane!!
Payu: Yeh... That was a nice one...
Mos: That was a nice race....
XO: Thanks...😉😉😉(winks) Byee....

MC:The next race is between.... Pai our No.1 racer and Zai from the Dark X clan..
Pai: When you lose don't cry...okay kid?😉😏😁
Zai: Are we here to race or talk?😒😒
MC: Let the race begin!!

(The race Started and Pai and Zai were taking turns overtaking each other....)

Pai: Byee kid...see you in the finish line....

(After saying it....Pai increased his speed and overtook Zai...)

Zai: We will see😏

(Pai slowed down at the last turn but in a high speed Zai overtook him and did a perfect Drift with his bike in a high speed and after the drift he didn't slow down a bit and increased his speed and finished the race....)

Zai:(mocking) You are late...😏😏
Pai: Next time.. You will be the one to lose...
Zai: Yeh sure... Bye looser...😉😉😉
Pai: U!!!!🔥🔥
Payu: What are you angry about? You provoked him first... And he won the match...
Pai: he won't next time...😡🔥

(Every race Dark X clan participated they won all those races.... After the race everyone was packing to go back.... The Theerapanyakuns went to the Dark X clan's station..)

Payu: Can I talk with you for a moment X?
X : yeh sure... Guys get ready to leave...
Others: Okay....
X: what do you want to talk about?
Win: about these bikes...
Payu: P'Pakin said you Made them...
X : yeh I did...
Payu: Actually I'm really admire your work...
X : thanks for that...
Mos: Can I ask you something too?
X : yeh sure...
Mos: Y don't you revel yourselfs??
X : because of some personal reasons...
Kai: Do you wanna know who we are?
Paris: yeh...

(X and the other members look and each other and laughs)

ZX: We will revel our identity at the next race... So wit till then....
Pai: Really?
X : yep....
Zai: P'X it's time...we have to leave....
X: okay we will get going then... Bye...
Others: Byee...

(On their way back.....)

X : Are you guys sure about revealing your identity?
Kai: yep... I want to see their faces when they will realise who we are😁😁
Zai: P'Sun are you okay with it....
X: I'm don't worry....😉😉

(The Channarong Family's real name and the name when they are are members of the Dark X clan.....)

Sun    :- X
Dean :- ZX
Sky.   :-Zai
Mark :- Kai
Bank :- XO
Rain. :- AX
Team :- Jax

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