chapter -12

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James: After he left... I dated my crush.. By I felt empty.... I used to think about him always.... And I realised that I like his... It's not just like I love him... Even now I love him with all my heart...
Pete: So it was you? But it's late...

(They all look in that direction and see their parents coming towards them...)

Daisy: What do you mean by late pa Pete?
Vegas: Net is engaged...

(James stays silent for a moment then)

James:(calm)who is he engaged to?
Porsche: Sun...
Pete: After his break up with you... He was depressed... Sun was the only one he allowed to get close to him... It took her a lot of effort to bring him back and his father proposed their marriage to her parents.... Both of them agreed to their parents decision...
Pai: How do you know all these?
Kinn: After you guys went to bed that night... All the adults including Sun... We were chatting and we talked about this...
Khun: You okay?
James: I'm okay uncle... I know he deserves someone better than me who won't hurt him like I did and will keep him happy....

(They all console James and went to have dinner....)

(Next day after class at University... Both the families are together in front of the Architecture department....)

Team: You guys go ahead... I'm going out with P'Win...
Sky: Take care and don't be late...
Team: Okay... Bye...
Win: Bye everyone..
Mos: we will be going to...
Bank: bye guys...
Dean: Phram is coming to our house with us... Do you guys want to join?
Pai: Is it okay for us to come?
Net: Our parents are not home... They will be late.... We can have dinner together....
Pharm: Let go P'... Na....
Payu: Okay let's go.... James you are also coming right?
James: I..
Rain: Everyones going...come...

(All of them went to the Channarong's Mansion.... They had some snacks... Watches TV... Played games... Did their assignments.... James glances at Net sometimes but Net doesn't acknowledge him... That makes James sad...)

Pai: Sky..
Sky: yes...
Pai: Do you have a partner for the Party this Sunday?
Sky: do we need one?
Pai: Can you be my partner?

(Pai gives puppy eyes but Sky ignores them)

Sky: I....
Pai: I won't force you... You can decide..

(James gets a call from home and he leaves.....)

Payu: Rain what about you....will you be my partner for the party?

(Payu gives him puppy eyes... Rain falls for it..)

Rain: I.... Okay.... But just this once...
Payu: Thank you Rain..

(Net is feeling like a third wheel... Seeing all the couples in front of him....Both the kids in the family know they are dating each other..(except PayuRain and PaiSky..) Suddenly the door opens and all of them jump up....)

Sky: P'Sun you are back?
Sun: Yes I am....

(Sky Rain and Mark hugs Sun tightly...)

Payu: Welcome back...
Sun:(nods and then looks at Net) Are u mad at me?(worried)

(Net hugs Sun tightly and cries...)

Sun: Hey I'm back.... Sorry for making you worried.... You guys go on... I'll take him to my room....
Rain: okay...

(Sun and Net went to their room... And the other couples also went to their room.... I'm Mark's room... Vee went to the bathroom... Vee's phone rings and Mark picks up the call.... The caller ID shows May....)

May:(lovingly)Hi P'Vee it's me May... How have you been?
Mark: Actually he is in bathroom... I'm his...

(Vee comes out....)

Mark: have a call... I picked up..
Vee: Who is it?
Mark: A girl... May....

(Vee gets the phone from Mark and answers it...)

Vee: Okay... I'll be there...
Mark: What happened?
Vee: Mark I'm sorry but... I have to leave.. Just tell my brothers that I left okay?
Mark: Okay... But you didn't answer me.. what happened? And who was it?
Vee: I'll tell you everything tomorrow on our date okay?
Mark:(hesitate)But.... Okay...

(Vee leaves and Mark feels really sad because his boyfriend left him after getting a call from a girl without telling him anything.... In Sun and Net's room... Net tells her about James..)

Sun: So how do you feel?
Net: I don't know... I feel numb...
Sun: Net... You know how we started our relationship... I won't object to any decisions you make... You know what I mean right?
Net: I know...

(Net hugs Sun and she kisses on his forehead...)

Net: Do you remember your promise?
Sun: I have asked for 2 days leave... I'll be with you this whole weekend okay? Happy?
Net: Yes...
Sun: You can decide what you want to do this weekend..
Net: okay... You should be tired... Get some sleep...
Sun: Want accompany me?
Net: Sure😊

(Sun lays on Net's chest and they both feel asleep in each other's embrace... Later at night in Major Mansion... TimeTay and his family are also there for dinner.... Everyone is having dinner together and talking..Vee is distracted... Arm noticed it and asked him..)

Arm: Is something wrong?
Vee: No... it's nothing...Dad

(Kim gets a text and he is shocked and at the same time quite interested in it..)

Kim: Hey... Check this out..
Khun: What? Have your fans got some conscience and started cursing you?
Kim: Shut up dram queen...
Khun: you..!!
Pete: Khun let him speak..
Kinn: what is it Kim?
Kim: 2 days ago there was a massacre in Spain...
Vegas: So?
Porsche: Is it connected to us?
Kim: I don't know but the intresting thing is all the people who were killed we Mafia members...
Pai: what?
Kim: The top 5 mafia families were wiped out... The four families supported the No.1 family... That was the strongest Mafia in Spain but they were killed By a single army..
Payu: I don't understand what you are saying uncle...
Kim: All the 5 families were attacked at the same time... Every family was attacke by a single person... That means there were 5 people.... To be precise they cleaned the families...
Kinn: You mean they killed every single person in that family?
Kim: No... Not all of them... Some where not killed... They are a part of mafia but they are good people.... That's why I said cleaned them..,
Win: What about the No.1 family? And who will lead them?
Kim: Their son.... They never acknowledged him but he is the only heir left in that family so basically he is the New Leader....
Vegas: Who did this?
Kim: No one knows... But one thing for sure... He is brutal and merciless... They state of the corpses confirms that....
Khun: You mean it's a person like you and Vegas....
Kim: Sort of...
Macao: By the way... Didn't Sun went to Spain? Is she back? Is she okay?
Payu: Ohh... We forgot to tell you guys... She came back today... We met her when we went to her mansion...
Pete: It's good she is back safe...
Porsche: So that means everyone will be there for the party...
Khun: Yeh!!! Party!!!!
Vegas: Can you shut up and eat?
Khun: Do you want me to buy you with a tray?
Pol: Khun...
Khun: What? Fine...😤😤😤
Vegas: 😏😏😏
Pete: Vegas!
Vegas: 😐😐😐😒

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