chapter -8

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Type: It's late you guys should stay here tonight.... I have got some clothes and rooms ready for you... As for you kids... Do you want to share a room with them or want to stay in another room....
Payu: we don't mind sharing room with them... Right guys?
Them: yeh...
Sea: Then you guys can decide whom you want to share room with.... and got to bed everyone...
Paris: Can I say with you P'Sun?
Sun: Sorry but my boyfriend is there...
Pete: You can sleep with us baby...
Paris: Okay Pa...

(Pete nodes at Sun and smiles and Sun returns the smile.... Everyone goes to their rooms.....)

(After an hour in the living room, All the parents were there talking with each other.... Sun went to the living room where the shirt she wore earlier and shorts......)

Porsche: Dear you haven't slept yet??
Sun: I don't sleep Pa Porsche...
Vegas: What do you mean?
Jimmy: She has been like this since young.... She doesn't sleep... And sometimes she doze off for an hour or two....
Kinn: But why?
Sun: I have been like this since I can remember.... It started because I was scared.... After my mother slod me off... Others used to abuse me... So I used to stayed up and that ended up like this...😊😊😊

(Pete patted the seat beside him and asked  sun to sit there... Sun went there and Pete caressed her head and placed her on his shoulder and gently caressed her and she hugged him... Everyone was smiling looking at them....)

Tharn: Vegas can I ask you something?
Vegas: Sure...
Tharn: What if.... Instead of Venice... If it was a girl would you have accepted her??
Kinn: Why are you suddenly asking this??
Tharn: I'm just curious... In the past he used to hate women... But now he has such a lovely daughter and the way he takes care of her.... I'm really surprised...
Vegas: I don't know... When I got Venice... I wanted to throw him off but Pete insisted on keeping him.... About Paris..... She is my daughter... I know her... So my hate doesn't affect her...
Sea: You are a really great Father Vegas...
Jimmy: all the credit goes to Pete who making him such a nice husband and father.... Right Vegas?
Vegas: Yes... My Love made me who I am today.... I love you Pete....
Pete: I love you too Vegas....
Type: Ohh Net? You woke up??

(Everyone looks at him... He is standing by the entrance of the room... Rubbing his eyes..... Sun gets up and goes to him and caresses his cheeks... He hugs her..)

Sun: why aren't you sleeping?
Net: I'm hungry...
Sun:(smiles) okay... I'll make something for you... How about your favourite noodles??
Net: okay...
Sun: You guys carry on... I'll make something for him... Now.. stop hugging me... I have to cook....
Net: I want to hug you... Don't worry I won't disturb you....

(They both went to the kitchen)

Macao: He is clingy....
Khun: Just like us.....(everyone laughs)
Kinn: He is different than I thought...
Porsche: What do you mean?
Kinn: I have met him before with his father... A couple of years back... He was cold and didn't talk to anyone... I almost thought he was mute...
Jimmy: It must be during his break up...
Chay: break up?
Sea: He was in love with a guy... Not love it was more than that.... But that guy cheated on him.... And Net saw him cheating.... It left a scare on him... He became very distant and cold towards everyone.... He listens to Sun since young so his father asked for her help and she bought him back... Then his father proposed their marriage....
Vegas: You are really lucky to have a daughter like her....😊
Type: Yes we are....😁😊
Tharn: Your kids are so Nice... It's great.. If Mos and Bank end up together.... Our family will become stronger 😊
Porsche: I just hope they will be happy...

(Sun joins them after a while and she sits with Pete and he caresses her like earlier...)

Chay: Has he gone to bed??
Sun: Yes...
Kim: They said you deal with Illegal business?
Sun: Yeh..
Chay: You are so young... How do you manage it?
Sun: I was involved in this business when I was sold off... I got connection and  inside information and secrets while I was working as a prostitute.... I know how this business works so it's not hard for me to deal with it....😊😊
Jimmy: Our business was not good a few years back..... We thought we will loose everything but Dean and Sun worked hard and bought everything back.... Since then they have been managing the deals.... Not just them... All the kids... They started working at the company since a young age... They volunteered to work....

(They all talked about their Past and some business and other things for the next 2 hours....)

Sun: It's really late you guys should go to bed now.... I have a video conference to attend....
Pete: During this time??
Sun: It's a call from aboard so... The time zone is different....
Khun: Let's go to bed then......

(They all went back to their rooms...)

(Earlier at Rain's room)

Rain: These are some clothes for you to change... The bathroom is over there...
Payu: Your room is different than I thought....
Rain: Different?
Payu: I thought you liked light colours but seeing the grey shade.... It's different...
Rain: Everyones taste change according to time....

(Rain goes and sets the bed after saying it.... Payu takes the clothes and goes to take a shower and then Rain.....)

Rain: You can sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the couch....
Payu: But why... The bed is big enough to fit both of us.... We can sleep together....
Rain: I don't want to bother you...
Payu: Listen Rain you are never a bother for me..... And you will never be...
Rain:(sigs 😮‍💨) It's late let's go to bed....

(They both laid down on the bed.... Rain is not facing Payu's direction and Payu is looking at Rain's back..... Payu gets close to him and hugs him from behind...)

Rain: P'Payu what re you doing? Let go of me....
Payu: Please Rain....just listen to me... Just once... Please.....
Rain: Whatever.... Just say it fast and let go off me.....

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