chapter -22

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Sun: Kai... No injures... Okay?
Mark: Okay...

MC: Racers please get ready....

Win: So who is next?
Vee: Me...

MC: Let the countdown begin.... 3...2...1..

(The race began.... Mark was leading the Race... He never let Vee get even close to him.... He won by a big difference....)

Vee: Nice race...
Mark: yeh right...

(Just like last time... All of them lost when they raced against the Dark X Clan... They were really sad....)

Win: What will we do now?
Pai: Should we tell them that we won?
Payu: You are saying we should lie to them?
Pai: I don't want to lie... But I want to get rewarded...
Mos: But it's not right to lie...
Pai: yeh... I'll say I lost and try to gain his sympathy...
Paris: Sky has really wrapped you around your fingers....
Pharm: Didn't they say they will relieve themselves?
Win: Let's wait...

(While they were talking P'Chan approached them...)

Chan: Hey guys...
Vee: Hi P'Chan....
Chan: I came to tell you guys something....
Payu: What is it P'Chan?
Chan: The Dark X Clan has invited you guys for a dinner....
Mos: Dinner?
Chan: Yeh... This is the address.... They will be waiting for you all.....

(Saying this Chan left.....)

Payu: what do you say?
Mos: Let's go...
Pai: Yeh.. i would like to meet them too...
Payu: Let's get going then....
Win: Let's go and find out how they look like....

(In the Hotel....)

Staff: How may I help you?
Mos: I think we have a reservation....
Staff: X ?
Win: Yeh...
Staff: They are waiting for you in the bar...

(They were taken to the 20th floor... It was a luxurious bar with an outdoor restaurant.... The all the members of Caln talking... Some are mixing drinks...)

XO: You guys are here... You may leave now...
Staff: Okay sir....
AX: What would you like to have?
Mos: We have to ride... So no alcohol....
Kai : Zai, Jax no alcohol for them.....
Jax: Okay...
ZX: Have a sit all of you....

(They all sat down comfortably and drinks were served...)

Pai: So who are you guys?
X: You really are impatient....

(Paris gets a feeling that it's Sun and her sound... Before Paris, could say anything.... Dean speaks)

Dean: So whom do you want to meet 1st?
Pai: The one who raced with me...
Sky: Me?
Dean: Go ahead...

(Sky takes off his hat first.... Then his Mask.... Pai stood up... He couldn't believe his eyes...)

Sky: Hi P'Pai....

(All of them were shocked..... They looked around....)

Win: That means the others are...?

(They all took off their Mask....)

Mos: What the hell? Baby you.... You were the one who defeated me?
Bank: Yes..
Pai: Sky is that really you?
Sky: Can't you recognise me?

(They all were shocked.... They couldn't digest the fact that their lovers were the ones who defeated them...)

Payu: Why didn't you guys tell us earlier?
Rain: Surprise!!!!
Paris: This was a hell of Surprise....

(After a while they came back from their shock and ordered food... They were all having food... While Sun and Mark were busy drinking avoiding the couples....)

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