chapter -19

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(The Safe house they were staying in was really good... So they decide to take a few days off from work and university and spend time with family.... They enjoyed their time together....)

(After a month at the University....)

Rain: I'm hungry....
Sky: Me too...
Payu: Let's go then... Everyone is waiting for us....

(They went to the canteen where everyone else was waiting for them... Vee's girlfriend was also with them..)

Payu: Hi May...
May: Hii...
Sky: Where is Mark?
Team: Must be fucking somewhere....
Sun: This Kid.... I hope he doesn't get some desease....
Rain: Don't worry he takes protection... By the way where is Net and James....
Sun: James needed to go to the professor so Net is accompanying him....
Pai: You okay with it?
Sun: With what?
Vee: You know what happened between them right? Now he is your boyfriend and he is spending most of his time with James... Aren't you worried?
Sun: Why should I? They are trying to get adjust together.... Moreover he told me everything....

(Sun stared at Vee like giving him a warning and started speaking......)

Sun:It's not like he is cheating on me... He told me everything from the start.... He didn't make up with ex without telling me, if that was the case I would be worried...(glaring at Vee) or maybe I would have even killed him by now..

(Everyone looked at Vee because they know what Sun meant by those words...)


(May was scared by Sun's look and they way he spoke about killing someone)

Sun: I won't just kill someone like that... Only the ones who hurt my loved one.. they deserve to die by my hands...

(Sun gives a smile and that makes May more afraid..)

Dean: Sun....
Sun: What? I'm just joking....
Dean: Don't take her words seriously she is just joking..
Bank: How could she kill someone? It's not like she is a mafia or something right guys?
May: Yeh you are right!!

(Everyone chuckles hearing Bank's words.. Because Sun is the leader of the Mafia...)

Paris: Here you are....
Mark: Sorry I am late....
Mos: Where have you been?
Win: was it a boy or girl?
Mark:(smiles) A girl....
Paris: I thought you were interested in guys...
Mark: I'm okay with both... And this one.. she threw herself on me.... She had a pretty good figure... So there is no loss having some fun....😏😏
James: Hey everyone....
Mark: You guys are here...

(Net and James joined the others.....)

Net: Sun I have something to tell you...
Sun: Sure what is it?

(Net holds James hand... Sun looks at their interlocking hands and smiles.... )

Sun: So you guys made up?
Net: Mm... We decided to give it a try...
James: I'm Sorry Sun.... I...
Sun: There is no need to be sorry.... Actually the realtion between both of us started because of our parents.... Since we weren't interested in anyone else we chose to give it a try.... We both decide it from the start that if one of us falls in love we will give them blessings....
Net: Thank you Sun... Thank you for always being there for me.... I love you...
Sun: Love you too...
Paris: Wait a sec... I want to clear something...
Pai: what?
Paris: P'Net you are saying that you and P'James are dating....
James: Yeh...
Paris: That means P'Sun is single?
Net:(smirks 😏) Yeh...
Paris: That means I can pursue P'Sun now....
Net: Go for it I support you...
Sun: (threatening voice) Net!
Net: What? Don't you like this cute little being?

(Everyone looks at Sun in a mocking manner.... Sun gets embarrassed...and turns red...)

Sun: Shut up! Net when are you going to tell your Dad about it?
Net:(nervous) I...I don't know.... After what happened last time... I don't know how he will react....

(Net gets nervous and tightens his hold on James... Sun rubs her temples and sighs....)

Sun: I'll go with you...
Net: But he...
Sun: We have to do it Net.... We will talk with him...If he kicks you out you can stay at my place....
Net: I don't really care if he kicks me out but what about your parents? They will hate me....

(Net is on the verge of crying... He loves Sun's parents as his own So does they... He is scared that they will hate him...)

Sun: They know about us...
Net: What?!!
Sun: I told them everything when we started dating.... To be more precise They were the ones who asked me to give it a try... To date someone.... So don't worry about it... Okay?
Rain: So i guess this calls for a party right?

(Rain starts giggling and everyone smiles at his cute face....)

Mark: How about going to the club?
Sky: Let's go to P'Alex place....
Payu: Who is it?
Dean: He is mine and Sun's friend from school.... He has opened a club here in the neighborhood....
Pai: What do you guys say?
Win: I'm in..
Paris & New: Me too...
Payu: What about you Vee and May?
Vee: Would you like to join us?
May: Not today.... I've to meet my friends to do some assignments....
Vee: Okay...
Payu: Sun are you coming?
Sun: I'm in.... New call Zee too...
New: okay... I'll call hia...
Win: So let's meet at the parking lot after class...
Everyone: Okay...

(They all had their food then chatted for a while and left...)

Payu:(on call) Okay... Mm... Yeh we will be there...
Mos: Who was it?
Payu: There is a race next week....
Pai:  Sould we take our boyfriends too?
Win: Let's ask them... If they are free we will take them...
Paris: Ask P'Sun to come too....
Payu: Are you serious about her?
Paris: Yes I am 😤😤😤
Vee: What about her? Does she feels the same?
Paris: I don't know... She treats me good... Don't worry I'll make her fall for me...
Payu: Good luck with that...
Mos: Don't worry we will support you...
Win: Yeh we will ..
Pai: Just tell us what you need...

(Paris looks at them suspiciously and then sighs...... She then crossed her arms on her chest and raised an eyebrow)

Paris: You guys are helping me because she is your boyfriends elder sister... Right?
Pai: Is it that obvious? 😅😅
Paris: Will you guys really help me?
Everyone: Yep....

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