chapter -3

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(Meanwhile... Payu calls Pai)

Payu: hey.... They are back
Pai: Who?
Payu: Rain and Sky
Pai:😧 Really??
Payu: Yeh... They are my juniors... They are in the same class as Paris....but...
Pai: But what?
Payu: they seem to have changed....
Pai: What do you mean by that?
Payu: Rain used to be so friendly and clumsy before but now... He is like a cold statue... As for Sky he seems to be more cold than before...
Pai: What are you going to do?
Payu: I'll make up for what I did... At least we can be friends.... What about you?
Pai: Mee? I don't know... I don't care about him.... He is just one of the guys I flirted with....
Payu: Okay... I'll meet you later....

(They hung up the call.... Pai is still thinking about him....)

Pai:(So you are finally back?)

(After class is over.... Pai,Mos,Payu,Vee,Win... They are waiting for the others to come and Pai notices Sun and Dean coming their way and sitting on the next table..)

Pai: Look.... That's the girl I told you about....
Vee: She is indeed a beauty... And you are right.... She somewhat looks like Payu....😏😏😏😏
Payu: Not a bit😒😒
Mos: Look there they come...

(They notice Paris and Pharm coming with some other kids and they Stop at Sun and Dean.....)

Mark: Let me introduce.... This is our sister Sun and our brother  Dean.. and this is Paris Sky and Rain's classmate and this is Pharm our classmate....
Paris: It's you!!
Sun: huh?🤨
Paris: We met in the morning... You saved me from falling...
Sun: Ohh... Right... Nice to meet you..
Pharm: Hi everyone...
Dean: Hii Pharm...
Sun: You know him?😏😏😏
Dean: We met in the morning....😅
Pai: Won't you introduce us??😏😏

(Pai and the others approached them..)

Pharm: They are our brothers, Mos,Payu,Vee,Win and Pai.... And they are our classmates and their brothers and sister....

(They introduced each other...)

Payu: Ohh..we know each other... Rain and Sky were our juniors in high school...

(Mark stares at Payu...)

Vee: Hey if you keep staring at him... You will fall for him....(mocking Mark)
Mark: not interested.... I already have Someone I like...😏😉
Vee:(feels bad) ohh.... Really? Who is it?
Mark: Secret!!😉
Bank: Let's go guys....

(Bank comes and sees Mos with his brothers...)

Mos: Hey... It's you beauty...
Bank:(annoyed) Shut up...
Rain: You guys know each other??
Bank:(annoyed) A pervert I met this morning...

(Bank and his brothers notice Sun's eyes changing dark after hearing him..)

Bank: It's nothing serious.... We should leave now or else we won't make it... Let's go...
Mark: Yeah let's go....
Team: We will be leaving then... Bye...

(They bid their goodbye and left... Everyone looks at Mos..)

Pai: What was that about?
Mos: What?
Win:(smirks)😏😏 R u in love?
Mos: I think I am....😍
Paris: R u serious P'????
Mos: yes....
Paris: Did you also fall for him at first sight??😏😏😁😁
Mos: yeh I did.... Wait! What do you mean by " you also"???
Paris: I fell for Sun the moment I saw her....
Pai: I won't agree....
Payu: Me too...
Everyone: Me too...
Paris:(pouts..) But Why?
Pai: Because you just met her and from the way she looks she must have many men or women.... We won't let you be with someone who plays around...😤😤
Paris: What about you guys? aren't you the same? Have you ever loved someone seriously? Don't you realise that the ones who you fool around with are also someone's brother and sister???😤😤

(Everyone looks at each other and they realise that she is right)

Win: That sort of right😅😅
Paris: No more discussion I'm going to pursue her that's it..😤😤😤

(Meanwhile the Sun and the others went shopping and made dinner for their parents... Who came home late at night.... They all talked and had fun and the parents went to sleep because they were tired...)

Dean: Guys...
Everyone: yep...
Dean: The date is fixed tomorrow night...😏
Mark: Yehh.... Let's have some fun...
Team: I want to see their capabilities🔥🔥🔥
Rain: Don't cause trouble...
Sky: Look who is the one talking 😏

(They all tease Rain..)

Rain: Hia... Look they are teasing me...
(Rain shows his puppy eyes to Sun..)

Sun: Enough guys... Go to bed.... You have classes tomorrow....

(Everyone went to their room and slept.. later at midnight...... Sun checks on everyone and makes sure they are okay and comes back into her room and opens her laptop and works... After an hour... Someone opens the door of her room...)

Sun: Dean!!? You couldn't sleep? Nightmare?
Dean: Mm... And what about you?
Sun: You know I don't sleep... Come here...

(Sun is sitting on her bed while leaning on the headboard of the bed and she pats on the bed beside her and asks Dean to come.... Dean goes and lays down beside her..... She gently caresses his hair...)

Sun: you should sleep now... Don't worry I'm here.... I won't let anything happen to you...Okay??

(Dean gets close to her and hugs her by her waist and after some minutes he falls asleep.... Sun then continues her work....)

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