chapter -11

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Mature content ahead 🔞🔞🔞🔞


(In the evening at the Theerapanyakun Mansion... TimeTay and his family have come over to the Mansion to meet everyone....)

Porsche: So how was your vacation?
Tay: Real good... We had fun so did the kids....
Khun: Baby Nu Where is your boyfriend? Why didn't you bring him?
Nu: He went to meet his family... I will bring him to the gathering this Sunday...
Khun: You should learn something from him.... He is younger than you all but he has found his partner... And you guys are just fucking around with others.... Just like your parents....😤😤😤
Pai: Don't worry uncle Khun... We will bring them soon....
Khun: Wait a sec... This doesn't sound right...
Kim: I agree....
Kinnporsche: Me too...
Chay: Pheonix... Spill it...
Pai: I won't say much....but I can say that.. i have someone I like but he hates me... So I'm pursuing him...
Vegas: What about you guys?😒
Pete: Venice?
Payu: Fine... Do u remember the kid I told you about during my high school?
Vegas: The on you made bet on?
Payu: Mm... I found him... And I confessed everything to him including my feelings....
Pete: Then what did he say?
Payu: He didn't say anything....😔
Pete: Give him some time... You know what you did to him....
Payu: Mm...
Macao: What about others?😏😏
Paris: Can you stop it... It hurts😤😤😤

(Everyone looks at each other and laughs seeing their princess sulking... After a while all the parents go to the meeting room leaving the kids there...)

Pai: So James spill it....
James: Spill what?
Paris: About you and Net....
James:(nervous) That......
Win: It's okay if you don't want to tell us... We saw how you looked at him... So we were worried... That's it....
James: I'll tell you guys....😔😔 Actually Net is my ex boyfriend....
Paris: What?!!!!!
James: Yes...
Vee: What happened between you two?


(James is looking outside of the balcony and Net went close to him and hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder....)

James: Haven't you had enough?
Net: It will never be enough for me....
James: Net... Do you really like me so much??
Net: Why are you asking me this?
James: Just want to know...
Net: you are the first one who made my heart beat like crazy... From the moment I saw you I couldn't take my eyes off you... I really love you James... If one day you feel like leaving me or falling in love with someone else... Just let me know.... But never break my trust okay? I won't be able to take it... Can you do it for me?
James: Mmm...
Net: Thank you love....

(After 3 months....)

Net: James Tomorrow my friend will be coming over...
James: Friend?
Net: Sun... the one I told you about... She is more like a family for me... Both of our families are really close... My father is ready to adopt her if he could... Even I feel jealous of her sometimes..😤😤
James:(laughs) If you don't talk back to him and behave like a good kid... He will treat you like that too...
Net: Oo... She told me the same thing... Forget it... I'll make her talk to dad about you...
James: You want me to meet your family?
Net: Yeh...
James: Okay.... But other than that don't let anyone else know about our relationship okay.... By the way... I'm going out with my friends tonight....
Net: Okay...I know you are not ready to make our relationship public love... I can wait okay?..... Since you won't be here.. I'll go out with my friends.. they called me earlier to join them.... But I rejected it... I'll go with them....
James: Okay...

(At night... In a bar... James is having drinks with his friends...)

Guy1: James look over there... Isn't that your crush?
Guy2: his crush?
Guy1: Yeh... He came aboard for him... But his bad luck that he has a boyfriend...
Guy3: Not anymore...
James: What do you mean?
Guy3: you didn't know? He broke up with him a few weeks ago...
Guy2: Hey he is looking at this direction...
Guy1: James he is looking at you...

(The guy looks at him and James looks back at him and smiles..... A waiter approaches them and gives a note to James... And the waiter says that the guy(crush) over there asked him to give it...)

Guy3: what does it say?
James: He asked me to meet him behind the bar...
Guy2: Look he is leaving... What are you waiting for go now...
James: But...
Guy1: What? Isn't he your crush? Don't you want him?
Guy2: Go then....

James: Why did you ask me to come?

(James gets close to the guy... The guy pulls him by the waist and pins him on the wall but James pulls him and changes the position and pins that guy on the wall.... The guy smiled...)

Guy: You are quite strong...
James: I'm more than that...
Guy: Really? I would love to know you more...what about you? Would you?
James: Sure...
Guy: I'm single since I broke up with my boyfriend.... And I don't date people who already have a partner.... So what about you? Do you have a partner?
James:(hesitates) No... I'm single...
Guy: That's good....

(Without wasting a second that guy smashed his lips on James... Both of them started kissing passionately.... The guys hands were traveling around james body so did James... They were embracing each other.... The guy pinned James on the wall and took off his shirt and started sucking on James nipples while caressing James hard on.... The heat was building up but suddenly they heard someone smashing.... They both got shocked and stopped.... James phone started ringing and he looked at the Id... James tells the guy that he has to leave because something happened in his family.... And that guy gives his number to James )

Guy: Contact me later...
James: Sure...

(James gets back to his apartment... He sees Net drinking.... There were tears in his eyes.....)

James: What happened did you cry?
Net: No something got into my eyes...
James: Why did you asked me to come suddenly?
Net: I missed you....
James:(hesitates) I... Missed you too...

(Net kisses James lips and pulls back and looks at the reaction and kisses him again... The kiss gets passionate... Both of them remove all their clothes... Net carries James in a bridal style to the bedroom.... Net starts kissing his neck then his chest and his nipples and starts biting it and sucking on it while playing with his other nipple with his fingers.... James starts moaning.... Net starts squeezing his thighs and slowly approaches his butt and squeezes it hard.... Earning a loud moan from James... He then captures his lips again and starts sucking his tongue...and hand still squeezing his ass and the other holds his hard on and rubs its tip... James moans loudly.... Net started moving his hands on James hard on... After a while James comes.... Net looks at him in the eyes....)

Net: If I hadn't called you... You might have been fucking with him right?

(James gets shocked he does know what to say.....)

James: you...mean? Net...I...
Net: No need to say anything... I saw everything.... I came with my friends at the bar and saw you going at the back side so I followed you.... I heard all your conversation with him.... You don't have a boyfriend right? Then what am I? Tell me James....(screaming) TELL ME WHO THE FUCK AM I TO YOU?!!!!!
James: Net... I...I am sorry...
Net:(crying)Sorry.? You didn't want to make our relationship public.... I agreed... You didn't even tell your friends about us... I agreed..... You never when out on a date with me I agreed.... I agreed all of this because I fucking love you like crazy... But what about you.... I just asked you one thing.... Not to betray me... But you did... You betrayed me James... So all the time we spend together were nothing to you.... I was a fool for you right....

(Net gets up and wears his clothes..)

Net: Let's end everything... Don't worry I won't come into your life again.... Bye..

(Net leave the room)

(Flashback ends)

James: Next day when I came back to the apartment I found that all of his belongings where gone... Since then I have never seen him....
Mos:What about now? Do you like him?

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