chapter -7

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Vegas: If I'm right... When you guys moved aboard... You each of you guys had 3 boys... Then Sun?
Sun: They adopted me when they were moving... I was like 8-9 years then....
Kim: What about your biologycall parents?
Sun:(smiles) As for my father... I don't know... never saw him since my birth.... And as for my mother.... She sold me off when I was like 3-4....
Pete: Sorry...we shouldn't have...
Sun: No.. it's okay... I don't care about that... I have a family now they are the only ones who matter for me and now you guys are also our family...... I was pretty good looking and young that mother was looking for people who were ready to buy me in high price... And one day she got one and sold me off.... I was abused and molested for a few years then they found me.....(looks at Jimmy and Tharn)
Tharn: Her condition was not good when we found her... After a few days when she was stable we asked her about her family and she told us about this....
Type: then we adopted her....
Sea: The next month we moved aboard... That's why you never saw her...

(Sun looks at everyone.... They all have an uncomfortable face...)

Sun: Hey.... My past is just a dream for me... I live in my present..... You guys don't need to be worried about that... I have a big family now... I'm happy...

(Pete cups Sun's face in his hands)

Pete: you are a really nice kid Sun... I'm proud to have a daughter like you....
Sky: Here you go Pa Porsche taught me to make this.... Try it...
Sun: It's good... 😊😊
Sea: Sun!! You didn't dry your hair again.... Water is dripping from hair you will catch a cold.... Rain get me a towel...
Sun: I like it when you do it for me....
Jimmy: See... Who is spoiling her now??
Pete: Give me... I'll do it...
Sun: It's okay I'll do it myself....
Pete: Y? You don't like me doing it for you??
Sun: No...I..I don't want to bother you...
Pete: It's not a bother... I like doing it...come here...

(Pete is drying Sun's hair with the towel)

Pete: I used to do it when they were kids... Now I don't get a chance to do it....
Vegas: What about me honey? You can do it for me😊😊
Pete: You are old Enough to do it yourself Vegas....
Staff: Sir.. the food is ready....
Jimmy: Let's go and have dinner...
Pete: Let's go...

(Everyone is talking happily and having food....)

Mos: Excuse me everyone...
Kinn: What is it Mos?
Mos: I want to talk to you guys about something....(looking at JimmySea)
Sea: What is it dear?
Mos: I like Bank.... I want to ask your permission to pursue him!!!!

(Bank was drinking and after hearing Mos he spits it on Sun's face....)

Bank: Sorry....
Sun: 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨(bank helps to clean her face)
Kinn: R u serious?
Mos: I'm dad...
Sea: it's up to you guys....
Bank: hey... I never agreed to date you...
Mos: I asked them permission to pursue you... It's up to you if you agree to date me... I'll do my best to make you fall in love with me.... Banky😉
Jimmy: How do you know we call him Banky??
Mos: guessed it... It's a cute name🥰
Bank:(blush) shut up...
Paris: I have something to say to....
Pete: what do you want to say now?
Paris: I aslo want to ask their Permission to pursue Sun....

(Everyone looks at Sun and then at Paris..... Sun is confused and Paris is blushing....)

Net: I won't allow you to do it!!!!

(Everyone looks at the newcommer...)

Paris: Who are you?😡
Sea: This is Net... He is Mr. Michael's Son... The heir of Knight Clan... And....
Net: And... Sun's fiancee....
Pai: What is going on?? At 1st it was Dean who was her fiancee now him?
Dean: I lied because she was getting uncomfortable.... And as for Net he is her fiancee...

(Sun stood up from her chair and Net went and hugged her tightly.... Net is sniffing her scent and she is caressing his hair....)

Sun: When did you came and why didn't you tell me??
Net: I just landed in Thailand.... I wanted to surprise you..... I missed you...
Sun: Me too... Go and take rest okay...
Net: Carry me....
Sun: Net...
Net: Please I'm tired Hia... (puppy eyes)
Sun: Net...
Net: Dad... She doesn't care about me...
Jimmy: Sun he is tired... Just take him to your room okay....

(Sun flicks his forehead...)

Sun: You are getting naughty day by day... Excuse me everyone... I'll take him upstairs first....

(Sun carries Net like a baby in Mother's arm and takes him inside.... Everyone looks at Paris who was silent all this time....)

Type: Dear you okay?
Paris: I'm...
Tharn: Net and Michael are fond of her... So when he proposed this marriage we agreed to it because both of the kids were okay with it....
Vegas: It's an arrange marriage?
Jimmy: Yes...

(Vegas looks at Paris and Smiles like saying.... Vegas:- You still have a chance dear....😈 Paris: Okay dad😈.... Pete looks at both of them....)

Pete:(whispers) Don't even think about it...
Vegas:(whispers) What?
Pete:(whispers)Do you think I don't know you father and daughter.... She is engaged... Don't mess with it.....
Vegas:(whispers) You know me really good darling....😏😏😏😏

(After a while Sun comes and joins them for dinner..... Everyone is staring at her...)

Sun: What's wrong is there something on my face??
Pharm: Not on your face but...
Khun: you have a hickey on your neck....
Sun:(turns red and covers her neck...)
Kim: It seems that the kid really missed you....
Chay: Y was he calling you Hia?
Team: it's like a nickname he calls her...😏😏

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