chapter -24

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(After that day.... All of them continued their plan to make Sun and Paris close... No matter what they do there there was no change in Sun.... So they tried harder.... But they didn't know that their plan was taking effect in Sun... She was having a hard time suppressing her feelings for Paris....)

(After a few days at the Channarong's Mansion.... Whole family is here... Theerapanyakun's and TimeTay all of them and their kids are spending the weekend together....)

Kinn: Jimmy said you guys went to see Mr.Michel yesterday...
Time: How did it go?

(Net and Sun look at each other and sigs..)

Net: Pretty bad... He got angry and was about to land a slap on me but Sun came in between and got slapped by him... He got really angry and yelled at us... And I lost my temper and yelled at him and Sun give a hard slap on my face for talking to dad like that and I shut my mouth and then she explained to him and I apologized for my behaviour...
Sun: After a while he camled down and accepted him...
Net: The he cried and apologized to Sun for hitting her.... I never saw him crying after he slapped me all these years but he stated crying when he hit her accidentally...😤😤😤😤

(Net started sulking and Sun grinned)

Sun: Didn't I tell you before you were adopted... You aren't his real son...😏
Net: Sun!!! Dad look she is bulling me..😠😤
Tharn: Engough both of you...

(Everyone was happy and enjoying their time together... Sun was standing on the balcony looking at everyone... Tears filled her eyes...)

Sun: This happiness.... This is all I have ever asked for.... As long as you all are happy... I don't care what happens to me... I'll kill or die for this smile on each of your faces...

(Sun looked at everyone with love and tears filled eyes and whispered the words which came from her heart... Sun looks at Paris who is talking with Sky and having fun. A smile forms on Sun's face seeing her happy....)

Zee: Just tell her how you feel...

(Sun looks at Zee who approached her and stood by her side facing the others...)

Sun: I don't...
Zee: Hey... I know you... Others may believe your empty words and this expressionless face but don't forget that I can see through it...
Sun: I don't know... I don't want to hurt her...
Zee: You are strong enough to protect her from the whole world...
Sun: I'm not talking about that.... There is more that you don't know....
Zee: Then why don't you tell me...
Sun: I... I don't want to remember that anymore... Just let it be... She will give up one day and find someone else...
Zee: Do you really think it will happen? What about you? Can you get over her?
Sun: I'll just protect her without anyone knowing even her... I'm happy seeing her happy....
Zee: You know what's hurting her? It's you... The only thing she wants is you... Even if it's just a second she can spend with you... She will do it... That much she loves you... Do you think she will get over you? What about you? I know you love her more than your life...
Sun: I do... And I'll always will but I can't be with her... Others...They won't like it...
Zee: Fuck them!

(Zee grabs Sun's shoulder and makes her face him....)

Zee:(angry)Just for once in your fucking life think about what you want not the others.. Listen to your heart... What it wants... Just find your fucking happiness instead of working your ass off for others!!! Do you think they are all happy seeing to fucking up like this?? They want you to find your happiness too!! Just understand this shit for fucking god sake!!!

(Sun was stunned... She has never seen Zee being so angry.... Not just her everyone was.... They all were looking at Zee and Sun.....)

Tharn: He is right Sun... Just do what you want... Be happy... For us mostly for yourself...
Sun: But you guys are my happiness...
Type: We know... We are... Ask yourself
Sea: Ask your heart dear... What it wants....

(There were tears in all of their eyes... Sun looks at Paris who is staring at them in shock....)

Jimmy: No matter what happens we will support you... Love you and protect you...

(Sun couldn't hold back her tears anymore... She cried... She cried heavily... She fell on her knees.... Zee also burst into crying and hugged  Sun tightly...)

(After a while everyone calmed down and went inside to have food.... While eating Tharn got a call and he went out and then came back....)

Tharn: Sun...
Sun: Yes dad?
Tharn: Vin called me...

(Sun understood what he was gonna say...)

Tharn: He told me what happened last time you went there....
Sun: Mm.. okay dad...
Tharn: They also told me something else...

(Everyone looked at Tharn... Because his voice was really serious...)

Pai: Who is Vin?
Mark: He is P'Sun's friend from Spain...
Sea: He is also the new leader of Spain's Top Mafia clan...

(Everyone looks shocked except Sun's parents and Sun..)

Type: What did he say?
Tharn:(sighs 😮‍💨) They want you to be the leader of the clan... Not just theirs, the whole Spain's....

(Now everyone except Sun and Tharn is shocked....)

Jimmy: What did you do Sun?

(Everyone started at Sun....)

Tharn:(casually)Nothing.... Just killed the whole top 5 mafia clans of Spain....
Rain: What!!!!
Sea: Sun? (Gives a look saying"explain")
Sun: (Sighs 😮‍💨) They killed Vin's younger sister because she refused the marriage arranged by her family....
Kinn: So you wiped out the whole mifas clans?
Sun: She was in love with a guys from another clan... She was pregnant... They guy she loved was just using her for the power... It was late when she understood it... They whole clans tortured her... Her parents disowned her... Those asshole raped her even when they knew she was pregnant... Vin tired everything to save her and many others did but the locked them up in the cells... And one day she lost her life and her child...

(Everyone was sad and pretty shocked to hear it....)

Sun: The day you guys first stayed here... Was the day she died... One of Vin's people informed me about all these... So I went there and wiped out every single person in those 5 clans except the one's who deserved to live....
Kim: You did the right thing....
Vegas: They deserved it...
Paris: What was your relationship with her for you to go to this extent?

(Everyone was looking at Paris in shock... She was staring at Sun waiting for an answer.... Sun Just took her drink and drinks it in one go...)

Sun: She was the most beautiful and innocent person I ever met... Her smile it would make me forget everything... Even without me knowing I'll be smiling just looking at her happy face.... Her eyes would make me drown in them... The first time she hugged me... I felt complete... I didn't want to let go of her... The time when she told me she likes someone... I felt like my heart was aching...  She was my first Love...

(Everyone looked at Sun... Tears were falling from her eyes with every word she said....)

Sun: She knew my feelings for her... She knew what I'll do if someone hurts her... Because of the Love she has for that mother fucker she hid everything from me... Her death... When I saw the condition of her lifeless body... I lost myself... I wanted to burn down the whole world.... And I did... I killed and burnt every single piece of shit.... Before I came back... Vin gave me a letter... She told him to give it to me... She said...

" I'm sorry... When you read this letter I won't be in this world... Never blame yourself for what happened to me.... It's my choice.. it has nothing to do with you... I'm sorry for not telling you anything earlier because I wanted you to be happy... I wanted you to be happy with your other half.. it's not me... It will never be... Please from this day onwards try to open up... Be happy... Find the one... Fall in love.... I'll watch you from here... I'll always love you as my best friend, my brother,my sister,my family.... I'm sorry Sun..."

Sun: After she got into a relationship... I got over her... She was my family a younger sister... And I lost her...

(Sun Just took another glass of drink and drank it....)

Paris: Do you love me?

(Everyone looked at Paris... She was crying hearing every word that came out of Sun's mouth.... Sun was speechless....)

Sun: I....

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