chapter -13

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(Next day... The day before the party.... Mark is waiting for Vee.... They agreed on going for a date today.... Mark is waiting for him in a cafe in the mall... Mark is sipping his Latte when he sees Vee.... Mark calls him over....)

Mark: You are late...
Vee: I'm sorry...
Mark: You are late on our 1st official date.... I will forgive you this time but don't do it again understood?? Let's go... They movie will star in 20 min... Since you were late I bought the tickets...

(Mark gets up to leave but Vee holds his hand....)

Mark: What? We will be late...
Vee: Mark... I have something to tell you... So can you sit..
Mark: Is it Something important??
Vee: yes...
Mark: Okay say it...

(Mark sits and looks at Vee... Vee is playing with his fingers...)

Mark: P'Vee?
Vee: Mark I'm sorry...
Mark: Sorry? For what?
Vee: Yesterday the girl.that called...
Mark: You mean May?
Vee: Mm... She is my ex girlfriend...
Mark: Ohh... So what? She is your ex... Are you worried because she called you yesterday??  I'm not so petty don't worry...
Vee: It's not that Mark..
Mark: Then?
Vee: Yesterday she asked me to meet and we talked....
Mark: So?
Vee: She apologised for breaking up with me and asked me to get together with her again....

(Mark got a hint of what Vee is going to say next... But he kept praying inside that... It won't be like what he thinks...)

Mark:(serious)What are you trying to say P'Vee?
Vee: I forgived her and...
Mark: And..?
Vee: I agreed to date her...

(Mark looks at Vee in disbelief.... He was wondering if it was a dream.... But the pain he was having inside him made him realise that it isn't.... Mark starts to laugh....)

Mark: So what about me P'Vee? What am I?
Vee: Mark.... I let's break up... I don't want to hurt her.....
Mark:(disbelief)hurt her? Really? You can't hurt her but you can hurt me right? It hasn't been a week and you are breaking up with me because you fall in love with your ex?
Vee: I'm sorry Mark...
Mark:(smiles) I don't want your fucking sorry P'Vee... I'm such a fool... When you said you like me i just trusted you... Do you remember what i asked you the day proposed me? In a week you broke everything... You really are great P'Vee...
Vee: Mark I...
Mark:(calm) i told you I don't want your sorry... So that means we are not going for the movie.... It's such a waste to buy these tickets

(Mark looks at the tickets and then he calls the waiter....)

Waiter: You need anything sir?
Mark: No.. thank you for your service and here you go these tickets are for you...
Waiter: Me?
Mark:(smiles)I bought it for me but i couldn't make it.. you can have it... Don't be shy... Take it...
Waiter: Thank you sir...

(The waiter leaves...)

Mark: So for tomorrow gathering... I w
Don't need to be your partner right? Your GF will be with you right?
Vee: Yeh..
Mark: So if there is nothing else I will leave... Before leaving I'll make it clear... We have broken up and i won't interfere in your life and you won't in mine... I won't give you my blessings... I am not  the kind person in a series... I am more of a villan... So remember my words okay? We are just family friends.... I'll leave bye...

(Mark leaves.... Vee feels a pain in the heart...)

Vee: Why is it hurting? I love her then why does him leaving me hurts like this... Anyway there is no turning back anymore.... She is mine and I'm hers... We can be a happy couple again...

(During midnight in the gym... Mark is punching ruthlessly on the punching bag.... Sun sees him and approaches him..)

Sun: what are you doing?
Mark: Ohh hia... Nothing.. I'm just working out...
Sun: In the middle of the night?
Mark: I couldn't sleep so i thought I'll just work out...
Sun: 😮‍💨 Did you fight with Vee?

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