chapter -16

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(The weekend came and everyone went to a resort near the beach... Everyone including TimeTay and family and Net went there... The only person who was not there was Sun.... She has gone abroad for business....)

Kinn: everyone go and fresh up in your room and come and let's all meet in the restaurant later okay?
Everyone: Okay....

(Everyone was enjoying their time in the resort... Tankun planned for a  party in the evening by the beach.... Everyone was enjoying their time drinking, having food and playing in the water with others..... Rain was sitting on the beach getting socked by the sun... Payu came and sat beside him....)

Payu: You okay?
Rain: Mmm...
Payu: You look worried....
Rain: I don't know... I got a feeling that Something's gonna happen.....
Payu: Do you like coming to beaches?
Rain: I'm okay going anywhere as long as I am with my family....
Payu: Then would you like me to be a part of your family?
Rain: P'Payu I...

(Before Rain could finish....)

Payu: Watch out!!!

(Payu covers Rain with his body.... A gun shot is heard.... Everyone looks in the direction of sound and sees some people dressed the same as their bodyguards pointing their guns towards them and shooting.... Payu got shot on his shoulder....)

Vegas: Protect the kids!!!
Jimmy: Boys Finish them off!!!
Rain: Pa get Payu inside....
Payu: I'm not leaving you here... Come with me...
Rain: Fucking go with him!!

(Payu gets scared of the look Rain is giving him... Type came and got Payu from there...)

Rain: Brothers... Open fire!!! Protect our family!!!
Sky: Kill those piece of shits!!!
Dean: Dad's take them to a safe place...
Bank: Boys finish them off....

(The Channarong brothers took their guns and started shooting everyone single one of them in their heads.... All the others except Net and their family members are shocked to see them.... The sweet and gentle kids they knew were not them anymore... They changed completely.... They were like a killing machine... Killing every single one of them.... Tharn and Jimmy took all of them to the resort and met with some guys holding guns in some regular tourist clothes.... Vegas pointed his gun towards them but one of them came forward...)

Guy: We are here to protect you guys... Sun send us here...
Jimmy: What did she say?
Guy: Protect the Family or die in her hands.... We already eliminated more than half of them... Some managed to reach you guys....
Mark: They have been taken care off...

(Everyone looks at Mark and the others who came inside...)

Sea: You guys okay?
Sky: Good...
Kim: Did you guys know this was gonna happen?
Chay: You guys even had your guns with you...
Team: Sort off... Mark and Rain got a feeling something bad is going to happen....
Mark: So we just took our guns with us for protection....
Rain: P'Payu are you okay?
Payu: I am Don't worry....
Sky: Get the medic...
Guy: Yes sir...

(One of them went and brought a medical kit and the other started treating the wound...)

Porsche: You know these guys?
Bank: There are P'Sun's boys... Her special team... She trained and trained with the five of them... One of the strongest teams of P'Sun....
Dean: Does Sun know?
Guy: Yep... She will be here by the evening...
Pete: Are you a doctor?

(Pete asks the ones treating Payu...)

Guy2: Yep... Sort of...
Guy3: we have been trained to treat the wounds...
Kinn: I never thought you guys had this side... The dark one...
Tharn: They were kidnapped when they were young...
Sea: So we trained them...
Type: We trained them to protect themselves
Jimmy: But they wanted to protect all of us so...
Team: So we asked P'Sun to teach us to protect and Kill...
Guy2: It's done... It's just a scratch... Take these medicines...
Guy4: We have to leave now...
Vegas: Where?
Guy5: Safe house.. P'Sun asked us to take you guys there till she comes back...
Guy: She will be back in a few hours...
Khun: Can we have a party there?

(They guys look at each other and then smiles)

Guy: Sure... We will get everything ready for you...

(The Theerapanyakun's have a look on their face saying "I'm so done with him")

(The guys took them to a mansion... It was a big mansion away from the city... It was nature friendly.... Full of greenery..... They bought them inside...)

Pete: It's a pretty nice place...
Guy3: Khun Type and Khun Sea like this theme so... We build it according to their taste....
Guy6: You guys are back?
Guy1: This is our youngest team member...
Guy6: Hii everyone... We have got everything ready for you... I'll show you your rooms...
Khun: What about the party?
Guy6: It all set... We can start the party after P'Sun is back....

(They all went to their rooms and came back to the living room...)

Rain: P'Payu...
Payu: Yes Rain...
Rain: why did you do it? Why did you took that guy for me?
Payu: Because I love you..... I can't let anyone or anything hurt you.... I will protect you forever Rain...
Rain: Thank you P'Payu for what you did for me.... Would you like to go on a date with me?
Payu: Rain... You mean..? Will you be my boyfriend Rain?
Rain: I will P'Payu... I like you....

(Payu hugs Rain..... They are both in their sweet moments when Pai and the others approach them...)

Type: Seems like our families are getting closer and closer day by day...
Pete: Yeh... It feels good to see the kids happy....
Vegas: It's a really nice place.... Do you guy live here?
Guy3: Yeh... We stay here...
Guy1: P'Sun's here.....

(Everyone was sitting in the living room talking when the BG came and told them Sun is here.... Sun entered the room and looked at everyone...)

Sun: Is everyone okay?
Guy2: Khun Payu was injured... Everyone else is okay....
Sun: Payu are you okay?
Payu: I'm... It's just a scratch....
Sun: Okay... Did you found out who did this?
Guy4: It's the Italians... They have been the enemies of the Theerapanyakun's for a long time...
Sun: Boys get ready we are going out...
Kinn: We will go with you...
Sun: It's okay Dad we can deal with it...
Vegas: But...
Rain: Don't worry dad... They messed with the wrong people they are going to get a medicine of their on...
Kim: I'm coming....
Sun: okay.. I won't stop you guys.. so who are coming?
Kin: Me, Vegas and Kim...
Sun: Okay... You 3 stay here with them and keep them safe... And uncle Khun you can have your party... You both come with us...
Guy6: What about me?
Sun: Fine... Come with me... Get the jet ready... We are going to visit their house...
Guy6: Ohh yeh!!!!

(Sun,Vegas,Kim,Kinn,Guy4,Guy5 and Guy6 went out and P'Khun and the others started their party at the safe house....)

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