chapter -21

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Pai: what do you mean baby?
Sky: About Hia...
Rain: We will help you win her over...
Net: Me too...
Payu: Why?
Bank: Because we want her to have a family....
Team: You guys know how she came to our life right?
Sky: Since then... The only thing she cared about is us... Her family.... She never let's anyone or anything hurt us...
Rain: She has never said that she wants anything.... But she always fullfilled our wishes even without us asking her...
Team: No matter how much she tries to show us that she is okay but we know how lonely she is...
Dean: We just want her to be happy..
Bank: We have you guys... But she...
Net: Although I am her friend and we dated.... She has always taken care of me... She always tried her best to do everything for me in return she never asked for anything.... I want her to find the one.... And i think it's you....

(Net looks at Paris... So does everyone else...)

Zee: I think so too...

(Everyone looks at Zee who has been quite all this while....(more like he was interested only in his boyfriend) Paris was looking at everyone to continue)

Zee: She doesn't want to fall in love....

(Everyone focuses on Zee..)

Zee: The Sun you guys know is strong... She is strong.... Stronger than anyone I have ever scene.... But she is scared.... scared to love... Dean... Do you remember how she was when she first came to your house?
Dean: I'll never forget it.... Her eyes... I don't know how to describe the look she had in it.. She was always in her room... Doesn't talk to anyone.... Then she started going to school with us... She didn't talk with anyone... She would just sit in her desk and study or sleep.... It took she a long time to open up to us.... Since then she has been training... She worked hard on everything....
Sky: She did all that just to protect us... To protect us from the dark world she took over it...

(Everyone was sad to remember Sun's past...)

Net: I have only seen her smile when she is with her family.... But I saw something I have never seen in her eyes when she looked at you....
Paris: Me?
Zee: Yes...
Dean: I think she knows her feelings....
Net: That's why she is trying to push you away....
Zee: You guys must have not noticed but earlier when you looked sad... Sun looked at you... I saw worry in her eyes... But she changed back to her cold self and went to that girl.... Don't think to much about what happened today....
Net: She is just trying to avoid the feeling....
Team: So what's the plan?
Sky: We have to make sure that... Hia gets to spend time with her...
Bank: She is a workaholic... It's going to be tough....
Dean: I'll help her with the office... But you guys have to make sure to make a reason to get her out...
Rain: Actually I have a plan.... How about we all stay at a place.... Then we can go to university together... Come back together have dinner together... And sometimes we can go out for date leaving hia and Paris at home...
James: It's a good plan... But how are we going to do it?
Win: We will need our parents help...
Payu: We can ask our Dad's to pursue our Pa's....
Bank: Should we talk to our dad's?

(They notice that they were reluctant to talk to their parents)

Mos: what happened? Is there any problem?
Sky: Actually... Hia... She will do anything if our dad's say it.... So...
Rain: They never ask her to do it... If it weren't for our parents Hia wouldn't have even dates P'Net....
Team: So they may not help us....
Vee: Just tell them that we are not forcing her... We are just making opportunities for her to open up...
Dean: If we say it like this... Then they may help us...
Win: But where are we going to stay?
Dean: Hia recently bought a house near our university...
Bank: Yeh... She bought it so that we can stay there if we couldn't make it to the home after University....
Rain: But there is a problem....
Vee: What?
Rain: There are 8 rooms... And we have 5 couples....
Pai: So?

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