chapter -9

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(PayuRain Room)

Payu: I'm sorry Rain...
Rain: For what?
Payu: For the past....
Rain: Like you said it's the past.. leave it..
Payu: No... U have to listen....
Rain: 😮‍💨 fine...
Payu: It's true that Pai and I bet with our friends that we will make you and Sky fall in love with us.... But for me... It was not a bet Rain.... I really mean it...I fell in love with you the 1st time I saw you.... I was scared to approach you... I was afraid that you would reject me.... And my friends made that bet and I approached you... Listen to me Rain... Every moment with you I mean it... I really cherish those moments... I like you Rain.... It's not just like.... I love you Rain... You have always been the one... After you left I searched for you but never found you.... I'm sorry Rain.... I hurt you... Please forgive me...

(Rain can feel that his shoulder is getting wet from his tears.... Rain turns and faces Payu.... Rain witnesses the strong and fearless Payu crying in front of him for his forgiveness.... Rain hugs him.... Payu is still crying in Rain's chest... Rain pats his back to console him....)

Rain: I don't know what to say P'Payu... Just give me some time.... But there is one thing I want to say to you.... I forgive you P'Payu.... I mean it.... Now just go to sleep.... Okay?
Payu: Mmm.....

(They both fell asleep)

(PaiSky Room)

(They both entered the room and Sky went to his closest to take clothes.. Pai is looking around his room...)

Sky: These clothes are for you to change... I'll take a shower first...
Pai: Okay....(so cold but cute 🥰)

(Sky went to take a bath and then Pai...)

Sky: You can sleep on the bed...
Pai: It can fit both of us...
Sky: I have work to finish... I won't be sleeping...

(Sky takes his laptop and some papers and goes to the couch....)

Pai: But you look tired... You should sleep early...
Sky: I have insomnia... So go to sleep now...
Pai: How did you....?
Sky:(cold)I have work... You should sleep...

(Pai falls asleep on the bed... After 2-3 hours Sky finishes his work and looks at Pai.. he sigs and lays down the other side..... Sky's back facing Pai....)

Pai: Sky...
Sky: U haven't slept yet...
Pai: I'm sorry Sky...For what I did in the past.... I know you can't forgive me... But I will wait until the day you will....
Sky: Why?
Pai: Because.... Because after you left I realised what I have lost.... I realised my feelings... I ignored my feelings because of my ego and It was late when I realised my feelings.... I like you Sky...
Sky: just sleep....
Pai: Mm...
Sky:(you think just an apology is enough.... You approached me because of a bet and you cheated on me... If that day I hadn't seen you with that girl and approached you we wouldn't have known that you and your friends were having fun with our feelings.... Just sleep Sky.. Don't think about it anymore...)
Pai:(I know what I did Sky... But you have to know... That you mean a lot to me... Other than you there will be no one in my life.... I thought I'll never see you but now you are here and I won't let you go Sky....)

(MosBank Room )

Mos: I'll take a shower...
Bank: Okay...

(They both took a shower....)

Mos: I'll sleep on the couch....
Bank: Huh? You can sleep on the bed..
Mos: I may not be able to control myself... I'm saying this for your safety...
Bank:😳😳 just sleep where you want..

(Mos went to sleep on the couch and Bank on the bed.... After a while.. Bank approached Mos and sat on the floor in front of the couch near Mos)

Bank: are you asleep?
Mos: Not yet...
Bank: Do u mean it? What, u say during dinner??
Mos: If I didn't mean it.. i won't say it in front of our parents.... I fall for you in the 1st sight... 
Bank: But we have known each other for a few days
Mos: In these few days I find you really cute... No matter what you do... I fell for you more....

(Mos holds Bank's hand and kisses on it...)

Mos: I really like you Bank....
Bank:😳😳 you should.... sleep...on...the bed.... You... won't be... able to... sleep like this....

(After saying this Bank rushes to the bed and Mos follows him and both lay down on the bed and Mos hugs Bank... Bank doesn't reject it and they both fell asleep....)


(They both took a shower and they are laying on the bed facing each other...)

Team: Aren't you sleepy?
Win: Not yet...
Team: Wanna watch a movie?
Win: which one?
Team: Horror?
Win: 😅I don't think so.... I'm sleepy
Team: 😏 you are scared.... Ohh... The great P'Win is scared of horror movie 🤣🤣🤣
Win: You!!

(Win gets on top of Team and tickles him....)

Team: No.... ple.. please...stop...ahh

(Win stops all of a sudden and caresses his cheeks)

Win: You are so cute...
Win: Can I kiss you?

(Team stays silent and Win leans towards Team and pecks on his check..)

Win: Do you have a partner?
Team: 😳 No.....
Win: Then, Team will you be my boyfriend?
Team: I....
Win: You don't need to give me a reply now.... Think about it and let me know.... Let's sleep now...
Team: (nods)

(Win hugged Team and they both went to sleep.....)

(VeeMark Room)

(They both are laying on the bed)

Vee: Can I ask you something?
Mark: Mm...
Vee: Your Crush...Who is he? Is it someone I know??
Mark: Why do you want to know??
Vee: Nothing 🙄 I was just curious....
Mark:😁😁 you know him...
Vee: huh??
Mark: It's dad Tharn.... He is my crush...
Vee: but why?
Mark: Because he is great.... I love the way he treats his family... Mainly Pa Type.. the way he treats him... I wish to find someone like him.... Who will love me so much just like my parents....
Vee: What if.... I treat you like this?
Mark: 😳 what...what do you mean?
Vee: I...I like you Mark... I promise to love you and protect you..... Can you give me a chance to prove myself to you? Will you be my boyfriend Mark?
Mark: Can you promise me that you won't cheat on me and always respect me and love me?
Vee: I will Mark....
Mark: Then how about a date this weekend?
Vee: You mean...?
Mark: Yeh... I will be your boyfriend....

(Vee hugs him tight.....)

Vee: Can I kiss you?
Mark: (nods)

(Vee leans and kisses his lips they kiss them turns into a passionate one... After the kiss they both hugged each other and fell asleep......)


(Dean took a shower and is waiting for Pharm to finish.... Pharm comes to the bedroom wearing Dean's clothes..)

Pharm: It's a bit big 😳😳😳
Dean:😳😳 you look so cute in this clothes....
Pharm:(turns full red)

(Dean sits on the bed and gently holds Pharm's hand and pulls him towards him.... He gently caresses his cheeks...)

Pharm: I...I have something to tell you...
Dean: Me too...
Pharm: I...
Dean: Let me say it.... I like you Pharm...
Pharm:😳 Me too...
Dean: I know....😊😊
Pharm: Am I that obvious??
Dean: Yep... I find you so cute when you blush Pharm.... So will you be my Boyfriend Pharm?
Pharm:(low voice) Aren't I already?

(Dean hugs Pharm.... Pharm turns red)

Dean: let's sleep okay?
Pharm: Mm...
Dean: Tomorrow... I'll tell our parents about us...
Pharm: so fast?
Dean: I don't mean to leave to Pharm... You are the 1st one who make me feel like this... And I want you to be my last...
Pharm: Me to.. P'Dean.... Let's tell them tomorrow....😊😊😊
Dean: Okay Baby....😊
Dean: You are so cute.....😊😊😊

(They both fell asleep.... Pharm sleeping on Dean chest and Dean hugging him tight.....)

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