chapter -25

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Paris: Do you love me?

(Everyone looked at Paris... She was crying hearing every word that came out of Sun's mouth.... Sun was speechless....)

Sun: I....

(Sun takes a deep breath and looks at everyone... She takes the bottle of whiskey and fills the whole glass and drinks it... Then she looks at Paris.... Paris and everyone else were waiting for Sun's answer....)

Sun: I have something to tell you all...
Paris:(serious)Answer me first....

(Sun takes another breath)

Sun: There is something that you guys don't know about me... Only my parents know about this.... I have never even told my brothers about it... But I think I should tell this now...

(Sun was getting nervous... Everyone else was anxious too... Her brothers were thinking what it is that they don't know....)

Sea: Little Sun... No matter what happens you are and you will always be our daughter....

(Sun's parents give her a gentle smile... Their words give her strength...)

Sun: It's about my biological parents.... As I told you before... My mother died a few years after she sold me off as for my father I have never met him but I know that he is dead....
Dean: Yeh.. we know all these...
Win: Is there something else?
Sun: There is....

(Sun looks at VegasPete...)

Sun: Actually My mother..... She give birth not only to me....
Porsche: You have another sibling?
Sun: Yeh... My twin... 15 min younger brother....

(Everyone is stunned... Especially Theerapanyakun's..... )

Kinn:(serious) What do you mean?
Sun: She give birth to both of us... When we were 1 or 2 months old... She left him in front of our biological father's house....

(Sun looks seriously at others.... Then sle looks at VegasPete...)

Sun: You guys are fimiliar with that place... It's the Minor Mansion....

(Everyone is shocked but Sun's brothers are confused...)

Mark: Hia what are you saying?

(Sun looks at Payu....)

Sun: Venice... He is my younger brother...

(All the kids are shocked they don't know what to say.... Paris is just looking at Sun with tears.... Meanwhile Payu's eyes are filled with rage and sadness..)

Payu: What the hell are you saying?
Sun: Khun Gun had an affair with another lady before his death... She found out that she was pregnant after his death.... So she planned to use her child to get money from the Minor Clan... Later she found out that she is having twins.... Then she give birth to a girl and a boy.... She left the boy in the Minor Clan because she knew(looking at Vegas)how much Khun Gun's first son hated women... He would just kill both the kids if she send them.... She needed money so she left her son there.... And that son is you Payu....

(The Theerapanyakun's are sad and angry...)

Kim: Why didn't you guys told us about this all this time?

(Everyone looks at JimmySea and TharnType)

Sun: I told them not too...
Pete:(crying)But why? At least you should have told Venice... He deserves to know...

(Sun starts laughing and sips her drink... Everyone looks at Sun confused)

Sun: Deserves? Nice joke.....
Macao: What do you mean?

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