new kid-billy x stu

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Warning-smut (not fully but still)

Stu's POV

It's my first day of school at Woodsboro high. It's my senior year and I transferred to a new school. I was severely bullied at my old school and couldn't handle it anymore.

My parents decided to transfer me to a new school. I took their offer and never looked back. I was bullied because I was gay and everyone at that school was extremely homophobic.

Now I'm walking into a school with new people, new friends, and new opportunities.  Although, I am nervous because I don't know anyone here and I suck at starting conversations.

I walked to the office, talked to the principal, got my schedule, and was escorted to my first class.

I stepped into the room and started walking to the back before i heard someone lightly shout at me. I turned around and saw a blonde haired girl in a skirt. She was sitting with a brunette girl with bangs.

"Come sit next to me!!"The blonde girl said.

I slowly made my way towards them and sat down.

"Hi I'm Tatum, and this is my girlfriend Sidney"Tatum said as she pointed to Sidney.

"I'm Stu"I said.

"Tatum! don't just tell people that, what if they're homophobic"Sidney said, as she punched Tatum lightly.

I looked at them and smiled before speaking up. "Oh I'm not homophobic, I'm gay myself"I said as I shot them a reassuring smile.

"I knew it!"Sidney exclaimed.

I gave her a slight frown. I don't want it to be obvious. I don't want to get bullied again.

"Don't worry, it's not obvious! I just have a good gaydar"Sidney said reassuringly.

"Oh thank god"I said as I let out a deep breath.

"Are you new?"Tatum asked me.

I nodded.

"What brings you to Woodsboro high?"Tatum asked.

I took a deep breath and then responded.

"Well.."I started off.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want"Sidney said.

"It's okay"I said.

"Well, I was bullied, severely. All because I was gay. It had gotten so bad that I tried to take my own life. My parents had enough with the principal not doing anything and transferred me here"I told the girls.

"I'm so sorry, fuck those assholes"Tatum exclaimed.

Sidney nodded.

"Are you dating anyone? I just HAVE to ask"Sidney asked.

I shook my head no and saw the girls make eye contact. Sidney smirked at Tatum before whispering something in her ear. Tatum let out a squeal before turning to me.

"Stu, what's your type?!"Tatum almost shouted.

"SHHHH"The study hall teacher hushed her.

"Sorry Mr. Berry"Tatum apologized.

"What's you're type?"Tatum asked, quietly.

I looked at the ceiling as I thought about it for a bit. What is my type? I mean, I don't really have one.

"I don't really have one to be honest. I guess I would only really date people that are shorter than me"I said.

Sidney nodded as Tatum smiled. Tatum whispered something in Sidney's ear and Sidney nodded.

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