lovers victim-mickey x randy

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Randy's POV

There's a new set of ghostface killings that are happening. I've gone through this once before but it feels different this time. Last time it was Billy and Stu, but there were only six victims, including Sidney's mom from the year prior.

Maureen, Phil, Cici, Derek, Hallie, and both of Sidney's body guards lost their lives. Gale, Dewey, Sidney, Mickey, and I are all trapped on campus. The killer(s) made their way on campus and were able to terrorize us.

Dewey got extremely injured due to being stabbed multiple times in his back. Gale informed us about it because apparently she ran into cotton with blood on him. We all started to panic and watch out for him. Gale disappeared again and we couldn't find her anywhere.

"Sidney! I'm so scared!"I started panicking as we ran to the theater on campus.

"It'll be okay, just calm down, we will get through this again. Me and you Randy, me and you"Sidney said as she grabbed my hand.

I let out a broken sob which caught her attention. I had a hundred thoughts running through my mind. I was scared I was going to die. I was scared for Sidney, and Gale and Dewey. Dewey was probably the highest of my worries since he was hurt, besides my boyfriend.

Mickey, my boyfriend, was nowhere to be found. I immediately thought the worst, that he was dead. The idea of him being the killer never once crossed my mind. I trusted him too much to believe he was capable of doing anything as crazy as mass murder. I could never see him as a serial killer.

Sidney pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. I just cried into her shoulder. I'm usually the strong one in these situations but I'm so fucking scared right now.

"Randy, what's wrong?"Sid asked.

"Sid, Mickey is probably dead!"I shouted.

"W-we haven't s-seen h-him in minutes"I stuttered out through my sobs.

Sidney then slowly pulled away and looked at me. She gave me a soft look before giving me the 'Randy, I'm sorry' look. I looked at her confused, there's so many things that she could mean by her look.

"What?"I questioned.

"Randy, I'm sorry, but it's pretty obvious what happened to him"Sidney said.

"What do you mean?"I asked, really confused.

"Never trust the love interest"Sidney said.

She was accusing him of being the killer! She thinks it's him, is she dumb!? There's no way Mickey would ever do something like this, he wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"There's no way he would do that Sid. He loves me, he wouldn't hurt me"I cried.

We heard a loud scream come from behind us. We both jumped and turned around. We noticed Gale running into the theater. She had blood gushing out of her stomach, leg, and neck. She then fell flat right in front of us. Sidney let out a broke scream. I pulled her to me as she cried.

"Aw, nothing like a funeral to bring a family together"We heard a deep voice from behind us.

We swiftly turned around and saw the killer standing behind us. We slowly stepped back as they stepped closer to us. There was only one killer, did they do this solo?

"Get the fuck back!"Sidney screamed.

"Don't tell me what to do bitch!"The killer screamed with the ghostface voice.

"Why are you doing this?"I sobbed.

"For fun, it's scarier with no motive"The killer laughed in the ghostface voice.

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