they were roommates-ethan x chad

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Chad's POV

I've been rooming with this boy named Ethan for a few months now. I answered his ad online to share a house with him. I answered because I needed a place to stay in the area, it was cheaper than living on my own, and he was hot.

He is fairly tall, has kinda pale skin, and brown curly hair. He is literally the definition of 'pretty boy'. His smile is so fucking cute I swear and his laughhh. God I love his laugh so much.

I like him I think? I'm not great with determining what my feelings are but I get nervous around him. Like recently I get butterflies around him. I see him and I get nervous all of the sudden. I wonder if he feels the same.

If he does feel the same, then I might make a move. I mean we already live together so it's a plus, but it could also be a negative. If we do date then break up, I'd have to move out. It would be awkward living with an ex. I hope we work though.

Mindy knows about how I feel. She's met Ethan a few times when she came over to hangout with me. She thinks he's a good match and approves of him, she doesn't approve anyone I bring to her. She says she believes he likes me but I don't know. Maybe he likes me, maybe he doesn't.

Ethan's POV

My roommate Chad of a few months is so fucking hot. I mean have you seen this man? He's decently tall, lightskin, and has curly hair. He also has muscles, abs, tattoos, and works out/plays football. He also has a nice smile and cute laugh.

I'm really glad he responded to my roommate ad because I get to see his fine ass everyday. Sometimes it's annoying though because I get so nervous talking to him. I literally stutter and skip over some words. He just laughs it off and says "You're adorable".

I'm not sure if he's saying that as a friend or because he likes me back. If he liked me back, I would literally freak out so hard. I like him, a lot. We're really close friends but I eventually caught feelings about two months ago. Seeing him reminds me of my crush and makes me think about how he could never like me.

My sister Quinn keeps saying he likes me. She's over at least once a week and her suspicions grow each time she comes over. She says he looks at me in a certain way but I wonder what that is. He is bisexual so I don't have to worry about if he likes guys or not.

I hope he likes me back and realizes I like him so I don't have to make the first move. I hate making the first move, it makes me so anxious. I start thinking of all of the bad possibilities and chicken out. Plus, Chad just seems like the bolder type, he's definitely good at kissing, I just know it.

Chad had just gotten home from the gym and I was sitting on the couch in the living room. I was watching my favorite movie, The Minions, when he walked in. I was so focused on the movie that I didn't look at him. One of my favorite parts was on.

"Laundry"He said with a slight laugh.

I gave him a dirty look and he laughed even harder.

"What?"I asked in a jokingly mad way.

"Do you want to go swimming?"He asked.

I thought about it for a second. We do have an in ground pool that we don't use much.

"Sure, it's nice outside"I said.

"Bet, let's go"He said.

"Let me go change"I said.

I paused my movie and kicked the blanket off. I was wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

"There's no need for that"Chad said as he picked me up.

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