we're dating lol-tara x quinn

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requested ship

Quinn's POV

Tara and I have been dating for a couple months now. We're both out and don't care who knows about our sexuality. We just haven't really told anyone that we're dating. We don't care if people know but we've both have had bad dating experiences in the past and wanted to keep our relationship private to make sure we work.

We flirt in public, hold hands in public, and even go on dates in public. Tara has also kissed me a few times but everyone just seems to think we're two really close friends. Yeah we are but like friends in the gay way.

The friend group also seems to think we're just two friends who flirt a lot. They keep saying we need to just confess our feelings and fuck but little do they know we did that months ago. I think some people may have caught on to us dating but others are absolutely oblivious.

Sam is starting to catch on because she's Tara's older sister and they tell each other absolutely everything. Tara hasn't told her about us but we're more comfortable to be flirty around Sam. Sam has caught us cuddling, being a little too touchy in the pool, and even almost kiss. So I'm almost 100% sure that she knows and just hasn't said anything.

Now, my brother Ethan is completely oblivious. Which makes since because he's in love with Chad and doesn't realize he likes him back EVEN THOUGH Chad literally kissed him on the ferris wheel. So I'm not too shocked that Ethan doesn't know that I'm dating Tara. He's just a bit silly like that.

Anika just thinks we're two friends who flirt for fun. She's not like hating on the thought of us together, she just thinks we're not the relationship type. Like Chad has tried convincing her we're dating and she said "I don't see them dating but I see them flirting for fun". She's in for a surpriseeee.

Chad is probably the most invested in us. He keeps making comments like 'just kiss already' 'we all know you like each other' 'stop awkwardly flirting and just date already'. He really wants us to date. He even bet $10 with Anika that we're dating. Looks like he's winning that bet LMAO.

Mindy definitely knows, there's no way she doesn't know. She IS the groups cupid I swear. She's the reason Sam is with cute boy across the street and the reason Chad and Ethan kissed. God I love Mindy. She's definitely picked up on us though.

Tara and I have so many cute moments together that I can't get over. They replay in my mind over and over. Let me just describe a few of my favorite memories with her.

Memory #1

Tara and I went to the beach together for one of our first dates as an official couple. We did everything possible in the time we had. We threw sand at each other, made sandcastles, splashed each other with water, and more.

We also had our first kiss out in public. It was very nerve wracking because you never know who's watching but it was so worth it.

We were in the ocean and splashing each other with water. I then ended up grabbing her and picking her up so she couldn't splash me anymore. She then decided to pull me into a kiss. I kissed her back before pulling away. She then used all of her force to pull us under the water.

We went back up to the surface and she laughed hysterically. I then lifted her up in the air as she started kicking. She yelled at me to put her down, so I did. I dropped her into the water and quickly swam away as she yelled for me. I genuinely felt so happy in that moment.

Memory #2

Another one of my favorite memories is from before we got together. Our first kiss was in front of our whole friend group when we played truth or dare together.

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