camera shy-randy x mickey

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Sidney's POV

I'm here to explain the weird love story between Randy and Mickey from my point of view since their dumbasses WON'T ADMIT THEIR FEELINGS.

I have known Randy since freshman year of high school and he's practically my best friend. The only thing he talks about is his gigantic crush on Mickey Altieri but will not tell him. All he talks about is how much he wants to go on a date to the movies with him.

Both Mickey and Randy are huge movie nerds and have gotten in arguments during film studies class over stupid things. The 'stupid things' part are Randy's exact words, he just doesn't like being told something against his opinions.

It's so obvious Mickey is in love with Randy. He thinks I don't notice him secretly taking pictures of Randy when we're out in public. Mickey carrie's his camera around everywhere because he's a film nerd. Everywhere we go, he has it on him and he's taking pictures, it's like it's attached to his hip. He just needs to man up and admit his feelings to Randy soon.

Randy's POV

I have a crush on someone for the first time in years. The last person I liked turned out to be an absolute douchebag. He was one of the dumbasses that ran around with a ghostface mask on in my High School after Sidney was attacked.

Sid is my absolute best friend and I won't associate with anyone who did her wrong. That guy was also just a dick, he would constantly ask for sexual things after I told him no. Now, I like someone new. Mickey, Mickey Altieri.

I have the biggest crush on him and I know I sound like a school girl but it's true. I like him so much and I feel so comfortable around him. We talk sometimes but we're not like besties.

We have our occasional movie arguments in our film studies class, which are so stupid. The one flaw about him is that he thinks sequels are superior films, which is just plain dumb. For being such a pretty boy, he is so stupid.

We have the same friend group and talk sometimes when we all hangout. Our group is Sid, her boyfriend Derek, Hallie, Mickey, and I. We hang out in the court yard a lot.

One thing about Mickey is he's a huge film nerd. Obviously he likes movies, we have film studies together. But he carrie's a film camera around everywhere. He's constantly recording and taking pictures. He claims he's making a documentary and will be famous one day.

That's kind of where our personality's clash. Mickey loves being on camera and recording others. I HATE having photos/videos taken of me. I get really shy and just don't like seeing the photos of me, I'm extremely insecure. I hope this doesn't make him and I not work though.

Mickey's POV

I like Randy, a lot, a lot a lot. We've known each other since the beginning of this school year and met each other in film studies. We talk the most in that class and it's usually arguments about movies. He says sequels are inferior films but I say they are superior. We have big arguments in class and everyone gets involved.

I love that he's very passionate about movies. I heard that he worked at a video store in his home town and I think it's the coolest thing ever. I'm also a big movie fan and I love when I have things in common with people, especially with people I like.

I'm not sure if Randy feels the same about me but everyone in the group says he does, especially Sidney. She is like our biggest fan at this point. I do want to admit my feelings eventually but I need to get the confidence to do so first.

This may sound creepy but I take photos of Randy when we're with the group without him knowing. I have photos and videos of everyone in the group for my documentary. I don't tell Randy I take photos of him because he doesn't like people taking photos of him.

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