movie store-randy x stu

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This was a requested ship, thank you to who requested it.

Randy's POV

It was just a normal day at work for me. I work at the local video store in Woodsboro. Don't get me wrong, I love my job because I'm a huge movie nerd but today has been slow.

I work open to close today so I'm spending my ENTIRE Sunday here. I've been working for 2 hours and only have had ten customers so far. It's really slow considering it's summer break.

It's pretty boring just staring into space while daydreaming. I could look around the store but I've seen pretty much every movie in this store, except the porno's.

The only other coworker that's working right now is Justin, a 40 year old single dad. All he ever does is cry about how much he misses his ex wife and needs help with his kids.

I decided to grabbed a random stack of sticky notes and a pen. I decided to doodle random things since I didn't want any interaction with a sad grown man.

As I was drawing some random ass monster thing, two customers walked in. At first I didn't pay any attention to them, but once I finally looked at one of the boys, I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He was a tall, white boy. He had short blonde hair and very pretty blue eyes. He had a goofy smile and an even goofier laugh. His cheeks were pretty pink and he just looked like the hottest guy ever.

I admired him as he walked around the store. He walked down aisle after aisle until he finally ended up in the horror section. I smiled a bit because I love horror movies.

I watched the boys every move as he looked at the movies. I know I probably look creepy as hell but I can't help myself, he's so hot. I'm just imagining what his hands would feel like on my bod-, no no no. I need to stop my thoughts from wandering that far again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the one and only guy I was thinking about. I looked up from my sticky note pad and saw the guy looking down at me. His blue eyes were burning holes in my head.

"Hey, you work here right?"The hot boy asked.

Okay, he's kind of dumb, I'm obviously wearing a "bradley video" shirt and standing behind the counter. Of course I work here. His good looks make up for his stupidity though.

"Yes I do, what can I help you with?"I tried my best to sound professional.

"For starters, you can help me by giving me your number"He smirked at me.

Did the hot guy just ask me for my number?! I have to be dreaming, this can't be real.

"Of course"I smiled.

I found a blank sticky note and wrote my number on it. I debated on drawing a cute little picture on it but I just settled on a small heart.

"You know, you're pretty cute"He smiled.

My heart skipped a beat when he smiled, it's goofy but it's still cute.

"Hey, can I see the notepad real quick?"He asked.

I pushed the sticky notes to him and handed him the pen. He wrote something on it before pushing it back towards me. He smirked at me then walked to the bathrooms.

I looked down and read what he wrote on the paper.

Meet me in the bathrooms, just want to make coming to work a little more worth it for you

I looked at the note in shock. I reread it a few times to make sure I was reading it correctly. I finally decided I read it correctly.

I waited a few minutes before going so it didn't seem super suspicious. I told my coworker I was going the bathroom but he just nodded in response because he was too busy crying over his ex-wife again.

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