fell in love-robbie x charlie

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Charlie's POV

Robbie and I have been dating for five years now. We have been dating since we were 18, when we were seniors in High School. We are the longest lasting couple from our friend group.

Jill and Kirby broke up a few weeks ago because Kirby caught Jill and Trevor kissing. Their breakup was extremely messy and Kirby even moved in with us for a while before she got her own place.

Jill and Trevor are now dating which is funny considering Trevor cheated on her in High School. But their relationship is none of my business. I only really care about my own relationship.

I was planning on proposing to Robbie later tonight. I had everything planned and purchased. Kirby is actually helping me with everything. We got Robbie out of the house with one of his friends from High school film studies.

Kirby just got to the house and walked into the house. She doesn't even have to knock anymore, we're at the point in our friendship where she can just walk in.

"I'm here gay ass!"She yelled.

"In the kitchen!"I yelled back.

She came walking in and smiled.

"Where's the ring?! I want to see the ring!"She yelled.

"I really hope he likes it. What if he doesn't like it?"I started rambling.

"Let me see it and I'll be the judge of it. I know Robbie well, we've been friends since sixth grade"She said.

I grabbed the ring box out of my pocket and sat it on the counter. Kirby grabbed it and opened it up. She let out a loud loud gasped and then screamed.

"What what? Is it bad?!"I started freaking out.

I didn't want to get a bad ring. I wanted the ring to be perfect. I wanted everything to be perfect. He deserves everything and so much more.

"No!! It's fucking perfect, he's going to love it!"She squealed.

The ring was gold with emerald gems in it. Robbie loves gold jewelry and emerald is his favorite color.

I let out a breath of relief as Kirby kept studying the ring. She kept smiling and then started slightly crying.

"You good Kirb?"I asked her, she never really cries in front of people.

"I'm just so happy for you guys, you deserve everything good that happens to you guys. Plus, you guys are the cutest couple and it was bout time you got married"She laughed at the end.

I slightly laughed back and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back and started laugh crying. I also started laugh crying.

"Are you crying??"She shouted as she pulled away.

"No"I laughed as I wiped my tears off of my face.

She just laughed at me.

"We should get to the beach and start setting up, Robbie will be there in two hours"Kirby said.

I nodded and put the ring back in my pants pocket. I grabbed my phone and keys before walking to the front door. Kirby followed behind he and we walked out of the house. I locked up the house before we split up into our separate cars.

Kirby left first before I followed behind her. We started our drive to the nicest beach in California. It had really clean water, soft sand, and was never extremely busy. It was 5pm now so it was started to cool down a little. I planned the time so there would be a sunset when I proposed.

I'm really nervous but also very exited. Robbie and I became friends freshman year and started dating senior year. We have gone through so much together and grown extremely close. He's my boyfriend and best friend in one. I don't know what I would do if I had a life where he wasn't in it. He makes my life worth living.

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