short stories-multi ship

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Joel x Mickey

Mickey-I'm the better filmmaker

Joel-no, I am!!

Mickey-What have you filmed then, huh?

Joel-I filmed for the local news!! What have you done??

Mickey-you filmed the fucking bingo finals, I film my own documentaries

Joel-first off, I almost won an award for that!! second off, your documentaries were about Randy playing with action figures

Randy-AND IT LOOKED COOL TOO!! *he shouted from across the field*

Joel-I'm still the better film maker

Mickey-how about we stop arguing and make our own film *winks*

Joel-w-wait what??


Wes x Chad

Wes-babe, say something hot, I need excitement in my life

Chad-uh um, you beautiful son of a bitch

Wes-thank you but not hot enough

Chad-let's fuck

Wes-I'm down but still not hot enough

Chad-be a whore and suck my dick

Wes-there we go!


Roman x Mark

Mark-babe, guess what?


Mark-Sidney tried flirting with me

Roman-I'll kill her

Mark-Roman, that's your sister!

Roman-wouldn't be the first time I killed a family member

Mindy x Anika

Anika-who's your favorite stab character?

Mindy-obviously it's my uncle Randy, he's the right answer

Anika-now I'm scared to share my favorite character

Mindy-share, it's your opinion, there's no right or wrong answer

Anika-okay, Mickey


Liv x Amber

Amber-how do I know you actually want me?


Amber-you're desperate


Amber-you fucked Chad

Liv-that was before I fucked you, plus, you're better

Amber-awww *smiles*

Liv-and Wes fucked Chad too!!


Wes-sho did!

Chad-Liv!! no one was supposed to know

Liv-should've thought about that before calling Amber a psycho bitch

Chad-she is!!

Amber-I'll show you a psycho bitch and kill your ass!!

Liv-she is a psycho bitch but she's MY psycho bitch

Charlie x Robbie

Kirby-so, how do we survive these stab "movies"?

Charlie-to survive these movies, you basically have to be gay

Robbie-hey hey! I'm gay, I'm gay!!

Charlie-baby, we know this

Jill x Olivia

Jill-god damn it


Jill-my ex keeps calling me



Olivia-ew, fuck him

Jill-I kinda already have..

Olivia-I didn't mean literally

Jill-he was kinda bad at it though

Olivia-should've fucked me instead

Jill-I tried and you friendzoned me!!

A/N-I'm sick so sorry if I don't update much

word count-433

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