jealousy-ethan x chad

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This is a request

Third person POV

Chad and Ethan were best friends. They were apart of the same group and were by far the closest duo. The two boys liked each other and everyone knew, including the boys.

They both knew the other liked them and they tried dating once but Tara had messed it up. Their breakup was so bad that Ethan had temporarily moved into Quinn and Sam's dorm. Tara moved into Mindy and Anika's dorm last semester.

Ethan couldn't look at Chad without crying. The two were still friends deep in their heart but refused to have contact. Well Ethan refused contact, he couldn't dare to look at Chad. Chad wanted to work things out but the situation was still too fresh to Ethan.

Their breakup was by far Tara's fault, only a little bit of Chads fault. Ethan was a shy boy and was scared to set boundaries because he thought it seemed "controlling". Chad had a whole talk with him and told him that it was okay to set boundaries. Ethan opened up with him and the two set boundaries.

Ethan's main and really only boundary was for Chad to tell Ethan when he was hanging out with Tara alone. It kind of sounds controlling but Ethan had a valid reason for his actions. Everyone knew Tara had the biggest crush on Chad and would honestly do anything to get with him. Chad was oblivious to her crush on him and brushed it off.

Last week Tara and Chad hung out but Chad didn't tell him. He honestly forgot to and the plans were very last minute. The two were having a small hangout at the arcade with a few of their friends outside the friend group. Quinn and Sam were ironically at the same arcade on a date. They saw Tara kiss Chad and for some reason, he didn't push away. Quinn snapped a quick photo before running away.

Once they walked away, Chad then pulled away and started shouting at Tara.

"Why would you do that?! I'm dating Ethan!"Chad shouted.

"Oh please, if you actually liked him, you wouldn't kiss me back, but you did"Tara smirked.

"I didn't pull away because your friend wouldn't let me!"Chad shouted.

Tara's friend was pushing Chad into Tara so he couldn't pull away. Sam and Quinn didn't see it because the machine was covering her friend.

Chad went to their dorm to explain to Ethan what happened but it was too late, Sam and Quinn got there before him. They wouldn't let him explain because Ethan was distraught. Sam and Quinn let Chad explain a few days later and Tara admitted to what she did.

Ethan was still in pain and didn't know if he could trust them. He knew that they were telling the truth because Tara wouldn't admit to something she didn't do. Ethan just had severe trust issues and it was hard for him to believe people, he overthought a lot.

The group decided it would be a good idea to get Ethan out of the house. It was almost halloween and Omega Kapa Beta was having a party tonight. Ethan didn't want to go because he knew Chad would be there but the group forced him to go. Quinn had hope the two would get back together and they only need a small "shove". She believed the party would be a good way for them to make up, make out, whatever they please.

The group were all dressed up, some more dressed up than others.

Chad was wearing a makeshift cowboy costume. He was shirtless, a typical thing for him, blue jeans, a bandanna, and a hat. He looked like your typical f-boy.

Anika was wearing a makeshift jack-o-lantern costume. She had on jeans, a orange tank top with a jack-o-lantern face colored on with sharpie, and an orange hat with a knife charm on it. She also had green lipstick on.

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