first kiss-sam x kirby

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requested ship

Sam's POV

Kirby and I have been a couple for a few weeks now. We reconnected during the most recent ghostface attacks. Kirby and I have known each other since 2011, when Jill and Charlie were the ghostface killers.

Kirby and I went to Woodsboro High together, she was a senior when I was a freshman. I've always thought she was really pretty and wanted to talk to her. I never acted on my feelings though because she was a few grades above me and she was dating Jill at the time.

Kirby was really nice to me in school though. We were good friends but we never hung outside of school because of her friends and then the ghostface killings. I was absolutely broken when I found out Kirby was among the injured of the 2011 killings.

After the killings this year, Kirby and I reconnected and became extremely close. Kirby and I basically saved each others lives. If she wasn't there to knock the TV on Ethan, Tara and I would've been even more injured. She also just fought really hard.

We have been hanging out non stop. We hung out everyday for weeks and then eventually started dating. We were a little worried about the age gap at first but everything is going smoothly. We also help each other deal with the trauma we've endured.

Although Kirby and I are dating, we haven't kissed yet. It's not like we don't want to, we're just both worried I guess. I'm still dealing with the trauma I've gone through with Richie and Kirby still gets flashbacks from Jill.

"Baby!!"I heard Kirby yell which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?"I yelled back.

"Come to my room!!"She screamed.

"Yes ma'am!!"I yelled back.

I got off of the couch and made my way to Kirby's room. I've been staying at Kirby's new house for the last few weeks. Kirby moved from Atlanta to New York during the latest ghostface killings.

I walked down the hallway and stood in front of her door. I knocked on it and waited for her to open it. She then opened it a few seconds later with a huge smile. She pulled me into her room and hugged me. It's funny because she's a great bit shorter than me.

"Babyyy"She giggled as she hugged me.

"Oh, hiii. Happy to see me?"I giggled.

"Yes, yes, yes!!"She exclaimed.

"I missed you too"I laughed.

She pulled away and smiled at me. She then started jumping and dancing. I gave her a confused look and laughed. She's always hyper but never this hyper. There has to be something she knows that I don't.

"We're going on a date tonight!!"She exclaimed.

"We are?"I said as I smiled at her.

"Yes! Go get ready!"She exclaimed.

"Do I not look pretty enough for you right now?"I asked as I pointed to myself.

My hair was up in a messy bun, I had no makeup on except yesterday's mascara, pajama pants and a crop top.

"No you look perfect but I think you're going to want to dress up for where we're going. Dress casual but not sweatpants"She smiled.

"Okay baby"I smiled before exiting her room.

I made my way down the hallway and into my room. So I need to dress casual but not too casual?? I have no idea where we're going so I don't know how I should dress.

I rummaged through my closet to try and find something to wear. I looked around and settled on a pair of black jeans and a red, lace, tank-top. I put on black combat boots and walked to my mirror. I put on some small gold hoops and a few bracelets. I then did some basic makeup with a red lip. I put my hair down and brushed it. I then curled my hair slightly so it had some volume.

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