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"I am well.", you said and bowed your head in respect.

Odin's eye examined you for a moment.

"No.", he waved his hand in front of his face as he always did whenever he wanted to appear casual. "That's not what I meant. How are you?"

Your eyes glanced over at Heimdall.

The god of foresight curled his nose in displeasure.

He knew what was about to happen. Of course he did, after all, he was Heimdall, the one who knew it all. He knew that his presence was unwanted the second he had entered the room with you a few moments ago.

But despite his ability to see the future he still tried to stand his ground.

With his head lowered and one hand on his chest, he did a simple bow and kept his head low to glance up at the Allfather.

"Allfather.", his voice was so soft all of a sudden, so obedient and not at all cocky. "I know you want to talk. But I assure you there will be lies."

Odin waved his hand.

"Of course there will be Heimdall, I didn't give (Y/N) a reason to trust my actions.", his eye returned to you. "I am sure you hold a grudge against me behause of your master. But trust me, this story isn't as it seems to be. I had my reasons. If you would let me explain."

"It will be wasted time.", Heimdall insisted.

The Allfather squeezed his eye shut with a groan.

"Oh, will you just shut it for once, Heimdall?", he replied and did a gesture as to shoo away a stray cat. "Don't you have other things to do?"

Unsure, the god of foresight frowned.

"But Allfather..."

"I remember your task was to guard the wall.", you said with a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. "It would be a shame if someone were to climb the wall while you neglect your duty, Heimdall."

A low growl got stuck in his throat.

It was written all over his face that he was about to scream bloody murder.

But Odin was on your side that day.

"Right, you should go and do what you were assigned.", he agreed and tried to hush him with another gesture of his hands. "On your way. Go on."

"But Allfather...", Heimdall mumbled.

The way he sounded almost made him appear like a child that refused to be rejected by its parents. It only was that he was about three times bigger and eons older than a child.

It just made him appear cowardly. Almost desperate.

"Heimdall.", Odin looked his son deep in the eye. "On your way. This is an order."

Still visibly trying to change the Allfather's mind, Heimdall sucked in a sharp breath. His eyebrows lifted in desperation.

For a moment you felt sorry for him. But only for a moment.

Then, finally, he bowed again in farewell and walked towards the door at your back.

But he still took the liberty of giving you a venomous glare on his way out.

"Be careful who you try to fool.", he growled through clenched teeth as he walked past you.

Your expression did not change. All you did was turn your eyes to the Allfather and lift your chin.

"Goodbye, Heimdall.", you just said with a slim smirk on your lips. "It was... interesting to meet you again after all this time."

A tsk escaped his lips in a smacking manner.

The door opened with a heavy noise.

A cool breeze chased from the corridor into the warm studies. The flames of the lanterns flickered.

Goosebumps grew all over your body.

Then the door fell shut again, leaving you with Odin alone trapped in a room.

"I would apologise for his behaviour if I knew it wouldn't happen again.", Odin came out from behind his table. "But we both know he's always like that."

A slight smile appeared on his bearded face.

Odin was an older man, as one would have expected of human descent. His hair was completely grey, as was his beard. In some places it was even turning white.

He was neither particularly short nor particularly tall. A funny realisation, considering that all his sons had grown much taller than he.

Dressed in a simple tunic of blue and green linen, he stood in front of you, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and welcomed you with open arms.

For a moment you just stared at him with slight confusion in your eyes.

Sighing, he smirked, dropped his arms and shook his head.

"What?", he asked, scratching his skin around the black eye patch. "Am I not allowed to hold my child?"

You looked at him with narrow eyes.

"We are not of the same blood.", you said, as if he needed to be reminded.

He knew it. Of course he did. Odin was particularly fastidious about who belonged to his family and who did not.

It puzzled you that he suddenly addressed you as his child. He had given that up many decades ago.

A deep breath made his narrow chest stand out.

"Well, you almost became one of my children.", he huffed, hands on his hips.

A twitch chased through your face. Your chest tightened.

Why did he start all of a sudden?

What purpose did he have that it would be relevant to remind you of?

"That was a long time ago, Allfather.", you said, pretending it didn't bother you.

But it did.

The memory brought many bad things with it. Especially the feeling of being replaceable.

How much you hated it.

Hastily Odin nodded.

"Right, right...", he murmured. "But even so, I still cherish you."

You pressed your lips together into a thin line.

It was a lie and you both knew that.

If he had cherished you, he would not have committed such a betrayal all those years ago.

"All Father.", your patience was already wearing thin and it was reflected in your tone. "Why was I summoned? Please. I want to serve you."

Satisfied, he let out a deep breath and smiled.

"I appreciate your dedication, my child."

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