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"Let me show you something.", in a gentle way Odin put an arm around your shoulders to guide you behind his table.

You obeyed his guidance. There was no point in resisting. As long as he only wanted to show you something, there was no need to worry.

Tyr had taught you that his father took great pride in his accomplishments. If he wanted to show something, it was to win the praise and recognition of others. He wanted people to think of him as so highborn and educated.

A little bit this urge for attention reminded of Heimdall. In the end, the apple probably didn't fall far from the tree.

Your gaze fell on the huge map.

At first glance, it was nothing more than an old piece of yellowed paper.

Tears ran through ink and drawings. Some details were dusted with gold.

"You're not impressed.", Odin chuckled.

Your eyebrows drew together.

"It's... a map?", you asked, letting the tips of your fingers dance over the surface with the utmost care.

Even at first touch you could feel the magic flowing through the paper.

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. A cold shiver crept down your spine.

You knew that feeling.

You knew who had used this kind of magic.

It was no ordinary map. This paper had been enchanted by your master.

A shuddering breath left your lips.

Satisfied, Odin hummed.

"You recognise him, don't you?", he asked, crossing his arms behind his slightly bent back.

He was truly not much different from an ordinary man of his age. The only thing that made him different was that his body would neither get better nor worse for all eternity.

Odin would forever have a back bent by age but age would never be able to make him kneel. Only a blade to his chest would be able to do that.

Perhaps that would have been the easiest way.

But Tyr had always preached that the easy way was not always the best. Especially not when thousands and thousands of lives were at stake.

"Is this... Tyr?", you asked, frowning both with confusion and concern.

The beating of your heart started to get out of control.

Odin laughed.

"Oh no, no, no, no.", he let the palm of his hand slide over the smooth surface of the paper. "You didn't think I turned him into an object, did you?"

The way he asked that question made you feel like a complete moron.

Of course he wouldn't have done that.

The god of war was way too precious to turn him into such a useless object. A fragile one to add to that. It would have been too easy to kill him by accident.

You swallowed hard.

"Right...", you mumbled. "But I can..."

"Feel him? Yes, very good. Heimdall didn't understand when I showed him. But you really were Tyr's apprentice. It only took you one simple touch."

Unsure what to reply to that, you leaned over the map to get a closer look at the runes and drawings trapped in ink on paper.

Most of the symbols made sense to you, you had not only been taught in combat but also the simpler forms of fighting such as argumentations, reading and writing.

You knew that your master had had his small details that made his work obvious.

And even if you wanted to deny it, this map had been drawn by Tyr.

But why did it feel so little like a mere map and so much like a hidden message?

It felt wrong. As if it tried to be something it wasn't.

"You're already thinking about what it could be.", a smile of excitement appeared on the Allfather's face. "You really were such a good pick. What a shame that fate didn't play to your advantage."

Again, a comment about the past.

It stroked you the wrong way to listen to him go on about what all had gone wrong. And that although he himself had been responsible for it.

But this was neither the right time nor the right person to express your resentment.

Curling your lips, you stared intently at one of the symbols on the paper.

You recognised it. It was the rune for fate.

Tyr had had it tattooed on his arm. Whenever a vision had presented itself to him, he had stroked the rune with two fingers in a very particular manner.

As if he could safe the visions within himself.

"What is it?", you asked, casting an uncertain glance over your shoulder.

Odin nodded.

He seemed to know that the sight was not completely foreign to you.

"This is a secret message.", he said, tapping the map with two fingers. "He cast a spell on it."

"And you hope that I can break it to reveal the truth."

Satisfied, he remained silent. A slight nod answered you instead.

"You are very clever. It would have been a waste to bind you to Thor."

And again something stabbed you in the chest.

This time, however, it wasn't your own pride that felt attacked. No, this time it bothered you that he couldn't say a good word about his son.

It was an open secret that the All-Father was not a good father. But that he didn't even try to hide it in your presence was a new high of his cruelty.

"I can't do it.", you said without thinking about it.

Like the flame of a candle that has been blown out, the glimmer in his eye went out. Irritated, he frowned.

"What do you mean?", he asked in an offended manner. "You are Tyr's apprentice. He has instructed you in everything you know."

You bowed your head so as not to add fuel to his rising anger.

"He was always very particular about what he taught me.", you said, stepping away from the table.

"What in Helheim's name did he teach you then?"

"Languages. Arts. Patience. A little fighting."

"At least try."

"It will be unnecessary efforts."

The corners of his mouth twitched. A low growl caught in his old throat.

"Then you are useless.", he gestured as if to shoo you away like a pesky insect. "Go. You are dismissed."

"As you wish, Allfather.", as quickly as possible you hurried to the door.

Your heart was beating wildly inside your chest.

Only when the door fell shut behind you back did you dare take another breath.

You needed that map. No matter the cost.

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