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"You let him go?", Thor asked as you settled down on a stone near the shore.

With blue glittering eyes he sat in the shadows, resting his hand on his knee and looking at you. It was as if a thunderstorm had awoken in his innermost.

It was visible that he did not understand why you had acted the way you did. But he wanted to put trust in you. After all, he knew you were the smarter of the two of you.

Calmly you took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's unwise to force things.", you said and crossed your arms. "Especially young ones don't like to be told what to do."

"He will tell on you."

"He won't. He's too afraid of his fathers rejection to do that.", you popped one eye open to smile at him. "Besides, he is eager to find a way to save his fathers life. He wants to protect him."

With a low growl stuck in his throat, Thor frowned.

"And for that he needs to summon Ragnarok?", he huffed. "Truly a child's mind."

"He resembles you a lot.", you said without skipping a beat. "Your younger version, I mean."

You looked at him to catch a glimpse of his reaction.

He didn't answer. All that gave away that he had to think about that statement was the movement of his jaw. His beard almost made it impossible to see it.

"You speak better of me then than you do now.", he got briskly to his feet. "My own fault. Still. I'm glad you can talk about me without spitting at my feet."

You ignored it as he walked around behind you, his hand on Mjölnir, playing with the little lightning bolts.

Even back in the day, Thor had calmed himself with his own magic. The feeling of cracking electricity on his skin was like another way for him to breathe.

It wasn't an attempt to threaten you. He was merely thinking.

Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes again and let the tingle of his lightning travel over your skin.

Your ears listened to his footsteps. Despite his size, he was as quiet as a feather. You still found it difficult to follow him, even though you had years of experience.

"What are you thinking about, pumpkin?", you asked with a grin. "You've waited all these years to kill the Allfather. A few more nights until the boy has made up his mind won't kill you."

His footsteps stopped.

Thunder shattered the comfortable silence. More electricity filled the air.

All the little hairs on your body stood up.

The air began to taste of iron.

You did not open your eyes. You knew his habit to change his mood within seconds.

Probably the nickname from the old days had pissed him off.

Strange, he had been very fond of it back then.

Perhaps it was salt in old wounds. Or he feared that Sif would scold him for allowing you to speak a name of affection dedicated to his vibrant ginger hair out loud.

Lightning licked across the ground.

Your eyes opened.

The world was bathed in blue before your eyes. The sky had darkened and at the same time it became brighter.

"Why so upset?", you asked without even looking at him.

His shadow fell over you without you being able to hear a single step.

"You called me Pumpkin.", to your surprise his voice was soft, calm.

An amused smirk tugged at the corners of your mouth.

"Did it upset you?", you asked as if talking to a small child.

He let out a deep breath.

The air tickled the back of your neck.

Goose bumps crawled down your spine.

"No.", he finally said, and lowered himself to one knee to sink to your level. "I'm upset because it's been so long..."

Slowly his hand reached out. The shaky tips of his fingers stroked the back of your neck. It was such a gentle, careful movement that you hardly noticed it.

And yet your body felt as if a thunderstorm had struck you.

Your breath hitched. For a moment your lungs pulled together and your limbs froze. Your back straightened as if a layer of ice had grown on your spine.

Uncertainly your eyes wandered over the lake, on the surface of which the magical blue lightning was fighting over who could make the water shine.

The sight reminded you of many adventures you had shared together. Once you had been in the world of the dwarves, when Thor had made an entire sea glow.

It was then that you realised how capable he actually was. So much physically stronger than the Allfather.

How had it never occurred to him to overthrow him?

Probably because the God of Thunder was a God of action and not of strategy. That was exactly why Tyr had thought that you could have been a good complement to him.

And in a way, you had changed him too. But at the same time, you had also destroyed each other.

As if you were made of glass, he only dared to run the back of his hand over the parts of your skin that were exposed. His touch was warm, almost burning.

Immediately something awoke in you.


After all the years you had repressed longing for his closeness, you wanted to be touched by him again. Just like back then.

But your mind refused.

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you curled up to avoid him.

"Please...", it came trembling over your lips. "Please don't."

Your heart was beating up to your throat.

But for the first time since you knew him, Thor denied you a request. Instead, he leaned forward and pressed his lips into the crook of your neck.

He dared not place a kiss to your (S/C) skin though.

But he allowed himself a moment to take in your scent.

"You haven't changed for the worse. Unlike me.", he whispered as he pulled away. "I know you will never forgive me. Maybe not even believe my words. But I want you to know there's only one thing I regret in my life. I left you in body. But my spirit was always with you."

With your eyes squeezed together, you shook your head.

"Sweet words.", bitterness spread on your tongue. "Lies."

"Call me pumpkin again. Please. Just for me."

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