Thirty-Four (Smut)

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Even after all these years, you could still remember Thor's gentleness. He had never dared to hurt you, had always asked about your well-being.

When you had spent the night with each other, it had been an act of love, a proof of trust.

But this was completely different.

There was no trace of the gentleness you remembered him for. Instead he was rough, careless, like an animal that did not care if its prey had to suffer before it died.

The burning sensation ate its way from your entrance, up the pulsing walls of your interior and into your core. It felt like a knife was stabbing your insides.

Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes as he thrust his hips upwards and hit a spot with the tip of his cock that made you whimper softly.

Heat made your cheeks glow.

You loved it.

It was like the influence of alcohol, like going to sleep while your head was so light you couldn't stand. It was an unpleasant feeling, a moment before disaster.

And yet you enjoyed it.

This could have been a night of love.

But what love would you and Thor could have enjoyed?

There was no love between you two anymore and you would rather have torn your leg off than think Sif would ever give him back to you. He still had too much use for her.

And he loved her. Not the way he loved you. But he loved her for the family she had given him. He was in her debt.

A bitter grin appeared on your face as you wrapped your arms around his neck and began to match his pace.

His cock was so thick it felt like he was trying to push your insides apart until he couldn't anymore. At the same time, you were so tight for him that his breathing was already getting heavy.

Despite everything, you were here now. With each other.

Instead of wallowing in old memories and facing the dark future, you wanted to savour this very moment. You wanted to feel the pain of your soul in your innermost being.

What a bitter sweet thing if you thought about it since he was the one to cause both at the same time in this very moment.

"Thor...", it slipped from your tongue as his dick pushed up to reach a spot you had long forgotten existed.

A groan got stuck in his throat as he let his hands slide underneath your ass to gain more control over your movements.

But you refused to listen to his guidance. Instead, you let your hips grind harder into his.

The tip of his cock pressed against the inside of your stomach. It felt like he was about make you burst.

At the same time there was this inhumane feeling of desire. An inferno burned inside the pit of your stomach and made you gasp with pleasure and pain equally.

Your nails dug into his shoulders, so deep, that they left red marks for everyone to see on his pale skin. It was undeniable what the two of you had done in that very moment.

It was visible on his body, it was obvious in the sound of your voice.

But what made it even more undeniable were the glanced that you and Thor exchanged in these moments that were so much like past love confessions.

You knew that after this you'd look at him differently once more. It wouldn't be as loving as back then. But you knew as well as him that it was impossible to face him with the same bitterness as before.

He had softened you once again.

And he was about to make your mind go crazy as well.

"Thor!", with your teeth clenched you lowered your gaze, unable to stand the feeling of hit shame rise in you as your eyes met. "You're making me impatient..."

A moan dripped from your lips as he let one of his hands slid into your neck and grabbed it tightly.

"Be as impatient as you want...", he growled in his rough voice, hoarse with pleasure and strain. "I'll take care of you before it's my turn."

A soft huff escaped you.

Your cheeks felt like they were on fire. Your head was spinning, already a little dizzy.

"Is that what you think is important?", you asked and smashed your bottom down to meet his hips.

Struck by surprise, Thor tensed for a moment.

You could feel how his dick twitched upwards with excitement inside of you. The thick veins rubbed against your walls and made you feel sore, used.

Just like you had felt back then.

"Come on!", you groaned as the impatient fire started to travel towards your core.

It felt like some kind of pressure pressed against your most sensitive part. As if you were about to fall into an ocean of ecstasy.

"Don't tell me..!", he hissed and pressed his forehead against yours, eyes closed, while quickening his pace.

His moves got more sloppy. You could feel that his stamina was running low.

"And if I command you to?", you asked and kissed him.

He smirked, his breath heavy.

"I thought I was supposed to do what I want.", he chuckled.

Your middle began to pulsate. It felt like you were about to make a mess all over him.

"Then what do you want?", you asked and leaned back to choke his cock with everything that you had left.

Visibly struggling, Thor closed his eyes, clenched his teeth.

"This.", he growled.

Without a warning he pushed you down.

His dick pierced your innermost. And suddenly a wave of release washed over you.

With your mouth wide open to gasp a moan into the endless darkness, your body tensed for a second only to relax again.

Your heart skipped a beat. Your breath hitched.

Almost drooling with pleasure you let your head fall to the side, eyes rolled back while the feeling of his sticky release filled hour insides with warmth.

Thor couldn't keep his breath calm. While his hands held you tight, like you were the only thing that mattered to his existence, he almost lost his own balance.

Slowly he let himself sink to his back while you lay down on his chest.

"This is what I want.", he mumbled, eyes turned to the stars. "Always wanted..."

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