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The wound in your thumb was burning. It had been a long time since you had let so much magic flow through your veins.

Heimdall had always spied on you for Odin and the ravens of the Allfather had a keen sense for anything that could be dangerous. But in the in between world he had no power.

In this place you could release all the magic that had lain dormant in your innermost being for decades. Like adrenaline, the magic flowed through your body. It didn't take two breaths before the air around you began to curl whenever you moved.

Blue sparks rose from your skin.

The boy looked at you with widened eyes, his hands tight on the bow.

"Woah...", he whispered in awe.

A smirk appeared on your lips. You could still remember the time when people had bowed at the sight of you. You had been idolised. But everything had faded when Tyr had disappeared.

Worship was a weak construct. Even the All-Father had to do things to keep people worshipping him. But in the end, Odin had one advantage that many gods did not. He would never be forgotten.

Not even if Ragnarok destroyed him.

"Stand back.", your voice vibrating with power. "It could hit anyone."

Unimpressed by the quivering battle, you ran towards the house.

Lightning flashed through the air. Electricity sent shivers down your arms.

Thor leapt from the rubble of the roof, closely followed by a hawk.

You frowned.

"Freya?", you asked into the chaos.

"She is on our side.", the boy said as if it meant something.

You nodded.

"Of course she is.", you murmured. "Anything but Odin."

He frowned.

"What do you mean?", he would never get an answer to that question.

You entered the house with the bloodstained knife.

A thin veil of dust danced in the air.

The house was a single battlefield. Destroyed furniture covered the filthy floor in pieces. It smelled of smoky wood. Ashes.

Magic filled your eyes.

The world began to change. The blue of the sparks began to glow brighter.

Hissing reached your ears.

All at once, a deafening thud sounded. The ground began to tremble beneath your feet.

"Father!", the boy gasped.

You raised a hand to stop him from running towards the man with the axe.

"Don't run into the line of fire.", you said.

"I have to help!"

A creature crawled out from among the rubble. It was a lizard, almost as blue as the sky in the world of Yggdrasil.

Pointed teeth and claws stretched out towards the tall man with ash-coloured skin.

Teeth bared, the man tried to call something to him with an outstretched hand, probably a weapon that resembled Thor's Mjölnir. But whatever he wanted to call took too long.

Threateningly, claws reached out for his throat.

All at once an explosion tore the air apart.

Your eyes wandered in the opposite direction.

Dwarves had positioned themselves at a safe distance to support the boy's father.

"Huh, interesting...", you hummed and raised the knife to carve runes into the air. "Listen to my call. Dagaz!"

The air began to vibrate. Sparks gathered on your skin while a thin layer formed as if magic was trying to form an armor for you.

A shock wave made the debris on the ground tremble and float.

Then, all at once, the power that had gathered on your body exploded. In a great, light blue ball it spread out, swallowing everything.

Time stopped.

Only you were still moving as you should. And the boy.

With bated breath he stood behind you, his head drawn in alertly, staring into the space that was frozen in time.

"What...what happened?", he asked, his eyebrows drawn together.

You had to smile.

"It won't last long.", you pointed at the lizard that had retreated under the half-destroyed table. "Be quick. The mind will understand even if the body is trapped."

"What-what should I do?"

"What would you do?"

For a moment he seemed unsure. It was adorable how childish he still was, how easy to falter, even though he wanted to be so strong.

In the end he was just a boy who wanted to live up to his fathers image.

He reminded you of Thor. But his mind was stronger. He would have rather made Helheim burn than change his ways.

Thor had shattered under the pressure of his father. This boy might would live up to be something greater than his.

"I need to talk to it.", Loki finally said with some sort of fire in his eyes and lowered his bow. "Win some time for me."

A soft chuckle made your chest feel warm.

"I'm sure we will have plenty.", you painted a new rune of blood into the air. "Go now. I need to talk to someone as well."

He didn't even question it as you guided the magic of the spell towards him a place a seal of protection on the back of his neck.

He just locked eyes with you for a moment, then nodded as a gesture of thanks and ran off towards the creature that was still trapped in time.

With a soft smile you looked after him.

If you and Thor would have had a child, would it have been like him?

Smart like you?

Or rather strong and harsh like Thor?

Nevertheless, that child would have been kind. Kind and eager.

All of a sudden something inside your chest got heavy.

Not the time, you whispered to yourself and drained another drop of blood from your thumb. Thurisaz. Thor.

Magic filled the air.

Your feet lifted off the ground and for a moment your entire body was as light as a feather. All at once the house before your eyes faded.

The feeling of cold, icy air danced around your head.

Your eyes jumped around.

Ice. Ice and snow.

"Helheim?", you mumbled, eyebrows drawn together with confusion.

But there was no time for you to wonder. Without a warning you fell from the sky.

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