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Arms folded in front of your chest and a dark expression in your eyes, you stood in the shadow of a huge branch and watched the house that had been built on a platform of the World Tree.

Only someone who was absolutely crazy would have dared to look for a place in the in-between world, a place that could only be found if one really looked for it.

Whoever lived in this house didn't want to be found.

But it wasn't the owner of this house who interested you. It was the boy who was standing in front of the door with your father.

They were arguing. Their voices could be heard in the distances of the nothing that surrounded Yggdrasil.

"You have to trust me.", the boy insisted.

He was young, hardly older than a boy who realised for the first time that he would grow up to be a man. His slender stature reminded you of paintings of your master.

He was certainly tall for his age and would soon outgrow his father.

"You don't know what you are asking of me.", growled the bearded giant, a man of the stature of a troll.

He could have scared you if you hadn't lived with Thor for years.

The boy threw his hands in the air in frustration.

"You never trust me!", he yelled.

"You are thoughtless. I only want to protect you."

Though visually very close to Tyr, the boy had something in his eyes that reminded you very much of a young version of Thor.

But he was not as rash as the God of Thunder had been. He had a cooler head and even if it was insulting to say so, he was probably much cleverer than him as well.

His mind resembled yours, thoughtful and always looking for the best result. And yet he was curious and let himself be seduced by it.

If you and Thor had found a way to have offspring then this child would have come very close to that boy.

The thought sent an icy shiver down your spine.

No, this could not be. This was exactly what Tyr's prophecy had said.

A child of you and Thor would bring Odin down and summon Ragnarok. But this same child would be merciful enough to spare all others who sought peace.

The All-Father had known this part of the alternative prophecy as well. And that was precisely his reason why he had taken away your ability to have children, whether with Thor or anyone else.

He could never have stolen the fertility of his own son. Then his tribe would have eventually died out, for Baldur's death had been safe for ages and Heimdall harboured an aversion to everything and everyone.

Tyr would betray Odin so he had not been an option to continue the bloodline either. Thor had been the only child of the Allfathers who was eligible to continue the bloodline.

A blessing and a curse at the same time.

Yet, you and Thor wouldn't have had children easily in the first place since the two of you have been an odd pain anyways. At least when it came to the traditional godly couples.

If you had ever wanted to start a family, one of you would not have been related to the child by blood. There would have had to be some form of powerful magic or the help of other gods.

Even before you separated, it had been obvious that fate did not mean well for your future.

An amused snort made you shake your head.

No, a family would never have been possible for you. At least not the way Odin would have had it in mind.

Perhaps this was the reason why he had not seen himself as a suitable partner for his son.

Tyr had proposed you for marriage, not only because you were his apprentice but also because he had known that you and Thor were bound by love.

This was something rare for gods. Most marriages were made for a purpose, as with Odin and Freya, Sif and Thor.

Had he not disappeared, Tyr would have ended in such a union as well. But he had wanted to do you a favour.

The Allfather had agreed because he knew that if one day your master would no longer be loyal then he could fall back on you. His acceptance of you had had only to do with your usefulness for his purposes.

But that did not mean that he could not set limits for you. Like everyone else, Odin wanted to have you in his power. He wanted to use and dominate himself.

For that very reason you were glad not to be trapped in his clan. On the other hand, the price was not only your dignity but also a pain you never wanted to feel again.

Not to mention the memories that plagued you every night.

Your gaze wandered to Thor.

He seemed grim at the sight of the boy and his father. You wondered if he was also so attached to the past.

Was he as bitter?

Was he possibly thinking about regrets as much as you?

Thor was a good father, even if he had his problems.

Even though it pained you, you knew that the desire to have children had driven him to go to Sif.

All of a sudden you frowned.

He seemed to have a special interest in the boy.

Or was it his father?

Your gaze wandered back to the two arguing.

"You know them...", you murmured.

Thor let out a deep breath.

"I should stay here.", he said and retreated into the shadows. "You talk to him."

With a groan he let himself sink into one of the shadows and put a hand on his thigh for support.

"Why don't you come with me?", you glanced at him.

He huffed, but it was visible he wasn't proud of his actions.

"Let's just say... his father and I didn't connect."

With a sigh, you squeezed your eyes shut.

"You attacked him for Odin...", you groaned. "Of course."

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