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As if you were your most sacred treasure, Thor carried you tightly in his arms, pressed against his chest, while the shadows of his expression made his dark face even clover.

As much as it troubled him that you would leave, for good this time, he was also relieved that you no longer harboured hatred towards him. He had wished for a farewell that he had not been granted the last time.

This time he not only got that but also a quiet moment together. He had finally been able to remember your tenderness, your smell in his nose while his tongue was allowed to taste the sweetness of your skin.

This had been his last wish. Everything he had forgotten the first time was now burned deep into his memory and would remain there forever.

Even if it meant never again being able to hold you in his arms as he did at this moment, he was still grateful that there was at least a tiny consolation.

Now he just had to man up and make a decision. But the paths he could take in the future were both rocky. Thor may not have been the smartest of the Odinsons, but he knew that the Allfather's death would bring much responsibility.

Asgard would fall into ruin without a leader. Heimdall would have been a terrible replacement - he was not at all empathetic and did not know how to care for anyone but himself.

Baldur, with his madness, would not have been a good alternative.

Tyr, on the other hand, would have made a splendid leader. But he had disappeared and based on your reaction there was not much hope that the search for the boy would be successful.

So that left only the god of thunder himself.

"A drunkard and a fool.", he muttered to himself and hugged you closer. "I will try... no, I will give it my all."

His gaze fell onto your sleeping face.

He didn't say the words but secretly he wanted to try for you. Ever since he could remember, you had seen something in him. You had allowed him to strive for more. Never before had anyone encouraged him to be more than Thor.

The fact that he was at least a good father to his daughter was thanks to you. And his patience with Sif was no miracle either.

He had taken much of your wisdom to heart. It was already too late to enriches your relationship, but it was enough for his second choice.

An electric crunch filled the silence beside his head. Small flashes licked across his cheek. The hairs in his beard stood up briefly before the magical blue merged with his eyes.

Mjölnir tried to warn its master. There was a threat ahead.

Again his gaze wandered down to you.

In your present condition you were not in a position to defend yourself in any way. You would have been easy prey even if it had only been a simple monster. Teeth and claws could be as deadly as a knife in the chest.

But he couldn't just leave you behind in the hope that you wouldn't be found. If he didn't come back from the fight, you would be on your own too. You might not even wake up without some help. Then he would be responsible for your eternal sleep.

A thought that made him swallow hard.

Mjölnir trembled.

The danger was growing. Or was getting closer.

Whatever it was Thor had no time. He had to make a decision at that very moment.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment to collect his thoughts. All at once he had to snort in amusement.

"There is not a single good solution. Let alone an easy one.", he murmured with a smirk and lay you down in a crack inside the wall hidden by old wood and rubble. "Wait for me here, my quill. I will be right back."

Trapped in sleep, you curled your nose briefly as the hairs of his russet beard tickled your face.

One last time Thor allowed himself to absorb the sight of your face as if it were the last thing he would ever see in his endless life. Every single detail, no matter how small, burned itself into his inner eye like a picture painted in paint.

Then he gently took your hand and kissed the back of it.

You two loved each other and neither you nor he could change that. But bad decisions and bad prophecies had driven him away from you while you had cut the bond between you for all eternity.

There was no going back to what was, no matter how much you both wished it. Old times had passed. All that remained was the will to part on good terms.

And Thor wanted you to be happy. Even if it meant leaving him forever, travelling to worlds so far away that there were other gods.

He would not be able to give you what you deserved. But he would always love you like no other. That was the power you had over him.

Mjölnir began to dance madly in the air. Blue lightning was already growing on the metal, stretching its long fingers towards his red mane and making the blue of his eyes light up like a thunderstorm the dark clouds.

Now he could feel it. There was a power, something dangerous.

But it was different from what he had expected. For some reason, this feeling felt familiar. As if he knew it.

Slowly he rose as, suddenly, your hand grabbed two of his fingers to hold him back.

Breathing heavily, you looked up at him with half-open eyes.

"Thor...", you whispered as you tried to pull yourself up from him.

He slid a hand down your neck for support.

"Sleep some more.", he said softly and tried to get you to lie down again.

But you refused.

"I... I want to see Tyr again...", you looked deep into his eyes. "Please... Oh, I haven't seen him in so... so long."

"You'll be able to see him afterwards."

"No... No, that's not... the same... I can feel him... But he's changed... I have to see him..."

His eyebrows drawn together, he hesitated for a moment.

With a desperate shimmer in your eyes you met his gaze.

"Fine...", he finally gave in and picked you up again.

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