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"Are you well?", you asked as Atreus jumped out of his high position into the snow.

A grin lit up his face.

"I didn't know you were so powerful.", he said. "And all without the knife."

You had to smile with tiredness. The magic from before was already wearing off. Exhaustion was already making your brain heavy again.

"Were you delayed in your quest?", you asked.

He shook his head.

"No.", with a gesture he pointed to the wall next to you. "It is right here."

Out of the corner of your eye you followed his gesture.

There was a door. A huge door made of solid wood supported by two pillars that were taller than the trees in the world of the giants.

Locks of greenish glittering metal held chains together that kept the door additionally closed. Whatever was behind the thick wood was not to see the light of day.

A shuddering breath escaped you at the sight. As if enchanted, you turned towards the door to take a closer look.

Green plants had already taken root in the old wood. It smelled of moisture after it had rained in the forest. All at once your heart began to beat wildly. It all felt so familiar. So right.

Your gaze wandered over your shoulder, joy almost made you laugh.

"Here it is.", you said and gestured Thor to join you so that he could break open the locks with Mjölnir.

But the dark expression on his face made you pause.

Confused, you frowned.

Your eyes looked briefly at Atreus. He seemed as excited as you. But you knew that you must not let yourself be influenced by his childish recklessness. He still had hopeful thinking.

Thor, on the other hand, had been henpecked by fate for decades. All he was was cautious and experienced.

The enthusiasm sobered.

"What do you think?", you asked, stepping away from the door.

"I think this is a prison.", he said, and stepped forward to back you up.

Mjölnir trembled in his hand.

"A prison for Tyr!", Atreus pointed excitedly with his bow at one of the locks.

A whispered word crossed his lips. Then he released the arrow. With a green gleam it flew up into the air and slammed into the metal. All at once, everything contracted. And then the first lock was gone.

Enthusiastically he laughed.

"Wait.", Thor put a hand on his shoulder before he could remove another lock.

"What?", the boy asked, frowning.

You looked at Thor for a moment.

"We should keep our distance.", you said, and pushed Atreus away from the door. "For safety's sake."

Irritated, the boy looked at you, but didn't protest and just shrugged before using a second arrow to destroy another lock.

The tension on the chains on the door loosened. The sound of metal hitting rotten wood. It creaked.

The third lock broke.

This was the first time you had seen the magic you had sensed at your first meeting in Atreus.

At the same moment, goose bumps ran down your spine. There was something lurking behind the door. Now you could understand what Thor had meant.

An unpleasant atmosphere hung in the air.

The last lock broke.

The door creaked. Dust crumbled from the cracks in the old wood.

Your gaze wandered to Thor.

With a grim expression he held Mjölnir.

Your eyes locked.

A silent question was asked.

He sensed that something was off as well. And he knew that it would be dangerous.

However, it was too late to turn back now.

You nodded.

A suppressed sigh crossed his lips. His grip loosened.

But Mjölnir did not fall to the ground. Instead, the hammer remained suspended in the air, carried by lightning.

He pressed the tips of his fingers together with tension. But he did not snap. There was so much doubt in his eyes.

"What is it?", Atreus looked at him with narrowed eyebrows. "Go on."

You took a deep breath.

"Pumpkin.", your hand rested on his chest. "There is nothing we cannot fight."

He swallowed hard.

Lightning danced around Mjölnir, creating a small ball of blue magic. It was already under so much pressure that it made everyone's skin prickle.

Finally, Thor snapped his fingers.

Like a thunderbolt charged in the clouds, Mjölnir slammed into the door with a charged force.

Dust whirled up while splinters fled through the area. To protect you from the danger in the unknown, Thor pulled you both to his chest.

A strong wind tugged at your limbs. His hair was dishevelled.

Eyes narrowed, you tried to escape the feeling of a demon crawling from the depths of Helheim.

All at once silence fell.

With bated breath you dared to glance over Thor's arm into the darkness that lurked behind the door.

Shadows shrouded the stone walls in an unpleasant feeling. You could barely make out anything, a thin curtain of dust still blotted out the light.

Suddenly something moved in the shadows. The sound of chains grinding across the floor.

"Tyr!", Atreus broke free from Thor's protective embrace.

"Be careful!", warned the god of thunder.

But the boy was too excited to think of his safety.

With narrowed eyebrows you watched him melt into the shadows. You could hardly see anything clearly. But there really was something.

Uncertainly you exchanged a glance with Thor.

The confusion was clearly visible in his eyes. Exhaling deeply, he shook his head only slightly, but did not dare utter a word of doubt.

Cautiously you dared to follow the boy.

"Loki.", you called with your head bowed as you took the first step into the room.

Heavy metal chains hung from the walls. There was not a single source of light. The air smelled musty and stuffy at the same time.

A strange smell rose to your nose.

No, it was not strange. But it wasn't what reminded you of your old master either.

His eyes widened with excitement and a broad grin, Atreus stood in front of the figure you had perceived from a distance.

"It's him.", the boy gasped, wanting to kneel down. "It's really him!"

"Loki.", you laid a hand on his shoulder. "Stay away."

The prisoner, shrouded in shadow, moved.

"You hurt me with your warning.", a pair of golden eyes awoke in the darkness.

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