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"Where will we go first?", you asked as you stepped out of the house with him.

Your gaze wandered into the distance.

Thor was still sitting on the root of the tree on which he had settled down to rest. His head hung down, his face covered. Shoulders slumped, he sat there, hands dangling in his lap as he seemed to thrash.

How tired he actually was. Broken and at the end of his rope.

"Wait a moment, if you would be so kind.", you asked the boy, walking over to the God of Thunder.

Snoring sounded. It was heavy, almost as if he was unable to breathe properly.

"Pumpkin...", you whispered softly and stroked his red hair.

With a low hum, Thor twitched. Torn from his sleep he sucked in a sharp breath but didn't raise his head yet.

You allowed him to sulk a little. It was obvious that he was tired. He needed more rest than just a few moments of silence.

Unfortunately, you needed him.

"Pumpkin.", you said in a more clear voice.

His head rose a little. Tired blue eyed peaked out from between rusty red strands.

"Is it time?", he asked.

While caressing his cheek you nodded.

"We made a deal.", you said.

"It's not based on trust."

"What alliance is ever based on trust?", you huffed. "It's to serve a purpose."

"What's in for us?", he rose slowly, grunting.

"Life.", you whispered. "Safety. Whatever it is, it will be better than remaining under Odin."

His shadow fell over you.

For a brief moment it felt like the temperature had dropped. Cold eyes wandered over your body before examining your face.

Something felt off. As if he wasn't just tired of being but also of you.

The beating of your heart rose to your throat. Swallowing hard, you gifted him a soft smile to lift his spirits.

He just hummed.

"Where to?", he asked.

"Svartalfheim.", the boy called out over your shoulder.

You glanced at him, a silent reproach visible in your eyes.

Atreus shrugged.

"I just...", his eyes wandered up to Thor. "I know what you did to my father."

A huff escaped the god of thunder.

"And the giants.", Thor said soberly while his hand lay on Mjölnir.

It made you a little nervous how cavalierly and disrespectfully he handled that part of his story.

Sure, you knew he needed the sport to come to terms with his own guilt. But in the presence of half a giant, it was unwise to behave so tactlessly.

A moment of awkward silence spread between you.

Thor and Atreus looked at each other as if war would break out between them at any moment.

"How charming...", you murmured and turned away.

Thor noticed your little enthusiasm.

"Forgive me.", he whispered.

You had to frown.

"Don't apologise to me.", you said. "His father has agreed to let us travel with him. And we both know what will happen if we disappoint that trust."

Atreus shook his head.

"Nothing will happen.", he assured, as confident as only an inexperienced, jolly person could have been. "We just need to find Tyr."

"In Svatalfheim?", Thor asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That's the last place described in the shrines.", the boy's eyes wandered to you in search of help.

You had to take in a sharp breath.

"Before Odin enslaved the dwarves they were allies to my master.", you agreed. "It does seem their realm is a good place to start."

Humming softly, Thor started to move. It was visible that his stamina was running low. He needed another motivation to go on, otherwise he'd turn back.

You didn't dare to dream about what would happen if he'd truly return to Odin.

The Allfather was a cruel man, the cruelest of them all, perhaps. Thor had been gone for quite a while, just like you. Even a fool could have guessed what was going on.

And if Odin would truly find proof of Thor's treason, no you didn't even want to imagine it.

"We should hurry.", you said and pulled a knife from your belt that the father of the boy had given you to seal the deal.

But Atreus kept you from carving another wound into your flesh.

"We can use this.", he said and pulled out a blue stone from his pocket.

A soft shimmer emerged from the milky surface. A rune was embedded into it.

At the sight, you had to frown.

"What is that?", you asked.

"A seed from the world tree.", the boy walked over to the collapsed rubble. "It will let us pass the realms."

As he held it high, a strong light emerged from the broken planks and stones. As if a invisible hand pieces the broken parts together again, a door formed right before him.

Runes and carved pictures appeared.

A door through the realms, Thor said.

You looked up to him.

"You've seen these before?", you asked.

"Yes. No...", he curled his nose once again, hesitantly, doubting his own knowledge. "I saw Tyr build these once. I think. Before the giants blessed him with those golden eyes."

"Those...", you stopped, struck by surprise that Thor had, indeed, known your master long before you. "His eyes weren't real?"

As if were a matter of fact, the boy chipped in.

"They were gifts.", he said with a smile of excitement.

"Right...", Thor took a deep breath. "Tyr was well liked amongst the giants."

"Because he was peaceful towards them.", Atreus glared at the god of thunder.

Thor simply shrugged.

"That's what you want to believe.", he said drily and walked towards the shimmering door to take a closer look. "I'll take my own route, if you don't mind."

His blue eyes fell onto you. With one outstretched hand he asked a silent question into your direction.

You sighed and lay a hand on the boys shoulder.

"We will be with you in a moment.", you smiled softly and grabbed Thor's hand.

His gaze locked with yours.

"I think you owe me a conversation in private.", he breathed, so soft that nobody else was able to hear.

You had to swallow hard.

"I'll try, pumpkin.", you lowered your head to avoid the guilt showing in your eyes.

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