Chapter 2 Tattoo parlor x Work

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Tattoo parlor ; Soufside

After having a conversation with one of my clients . I was finally able to get their ass to leave . I got shit to do , After I leave work . While I was in the back cleaning up my station area.

I took my gloves off placing them in the trash . Cleaning off my equipment for my next client to come in .

{ Jules }

One of my coworkers yelled from the front desk , I sighed looking at the time .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }

I yelled , cleaning off my equipment sitting in the stool not turning around fAcing them.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
have a sit right here don't touch shit .

I replaced the ink and grabbed fresh paper towels. I didn't even bother looking up at the client.

Truth be told I was ready to go home . I place the ink on the tray area. Alone with grabbing new gloves.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
What are we getting today and where

[ Client ]
I don't know surprise me love . I heard you was the best to do it .

When I looked up I stopped dead in my tracks. She was fine as fuck , I made eye contact with her and everything.

[ Client ]
Yvette ? Yvette are you done eye fucking me.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Huh , ian with all the surprises shit . Tell me wassup shawty .

[ Client ]
"Did you hear me ?"

I didn't even hear anything , that she said I just huh her Hoping . What she was looking for a response.

"I cleared my throat looking away .She took her shirt off laying back in the chair comfortable.i secured the tattoo needle .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
"Yeah I heard you , arm ? Side ? What I'll try . Ian even finna lie , I need rest I damn near been here since 1 something this morning. You know you can come back tomorrow "

She just looked me up and down. Sitting up rubbing her side . I placed the tattoo needle down on the tray area yawning.

[ Client ]
"What time you gone be in tomorrow Yvette?

I gave her the details about tomorrow.i told Sade and Jules goodnight and headed home.Sade another one too she be tryna get me to work over night .

When I hit the house I kicked my shoes off immediately.Locking my door behind me .

I went straight to the bathroom getting undressed placing my dirty clothes in the hamper.i turned the water on in the shower.

Testing the temperature of the water . I get in and about 15mins later . I am out the shower,washing my face again and brushing my teeth .

I dried my body off placing the towel in the dirty clothes hamper . Leaving the bathroom I lotion my entire body .

I got in the bed naked getting under the blanket. Soon as my head it the pillow I was hungry.

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