Chapter 14 New x unexpected

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When I made it into the apartment. I sigh closing the door behind me. Throwing my car keys on the table next to the door.

When I walked in hitting the corner. I notice my money was on the table. I shook my head. Taking my shoes off placing them neatly next to the couch.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle. When I grabbed the water bottle I leaned on my countertop. Taking the top off the water bottle.

I was thinking about, what I was gonna say to kehlani , I was never the one to apologize. It practically made me sick thinking about it.

When All of a sudden she walked into the kitchen open the refrigerator grabbing a plate with aluminum foil on top .

I stood up straight placing my water bottle on the counter looking at her before speaking .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}

She proceeded to take the aluminum foil off the plate . Placing it the trash , not ounce did she look up for me . She continued, to open the refrigerator door .

All of a sudden , I get nervous as fuck . Bro where all this coming from. It made me wanna throw up cause what the fuck .

When she automatically gave me her attention. I looked away then back at her not saying saying anything.

She placed her plate on the counter walking in my direction staring me dead in my face .

{ kehlani}
What ma spit it out , I don't have all day !.

She said grabbing her plate opening the dresser grabbing a folk closing the dresser back .

I scrunched my face up rubbing my arm .

{ kehlani}
Either you gon apologize to me for fucking up my face Yvette or get the fuck out my face matter of fact shut the fuck up and go shower lay down or something .

She said leaning on the counter for some reason my heart dropped to my ass .

I grabbed my water bottle off the counter heading out the kitchen. Straight into the living room sitting down .

I sighed, getting up heading to the shower . Ounce I got undressed placing. My clothes into the hamper.

I immediately stepped into the shower getting underneath the water . Letting the water run down my face as , I started to fucking cry .

Then the bathroom door came open , kehlani walked in closing the door looking at me through the glass shower.

Not ounce did look up , she opened the shower . Out the corner of my eye , I seen her take off her shoes and socks .

Stepping into the shower fully clothed closing the shower door . I turned naked and wet pushing her .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
The fuck are you doing kehlani get out man . You tripping ion need no mfn company bitch .

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