Chapter 24 Godma x Birthma

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After a few minutes of holding the ice pack on my mouth . I finally put it down , I looked over at kehlani who was now sleeping facing me .

{ kehlani}
Don't even think about it Yvette.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
Think about what kehlani?

{ kehlani }
About leaving this room cause you can't sleep .... Try not to think about it as much

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
Why you care so much huh , I mean if it was the other way around I would not give a fuck .

Kehlani sighed rubbing her face in her sleep talking with her eyes closed. Pulling her blanket over her body .

{ kehlani }
Not everybody against you Yvette you a go-

She said before she stop talking , I looked over at her watching her sleep for about 12 minutes before , I finally got up to cut the lights off .

I walked back to the bed laying down thinking until I went to sleep laying on kehlani back .

Morning 4am .
Kehlani's pov

I pushed Yvette's head off me wiping my face . Pushing my hair out my face , she then pushed me pulling blanket over her face .

{ kehlani }
Yvette we gotta get up , we gotta move something around for the furniture coming in today .

She groaned , putting the pillow on her head . I sat up on the bed , getting up walking towards my clothes then out as I started grabbing my dirty clothes.

I throw my football at Yvette leg . She winced sitting up rubbing her leg , I looked at her holding my basket hamper putting my shirt in the hamper.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
Are you serious right now bruh . I'm going to sleep in my room . You ordered that shit not me .

I laughed , as I put the basket hamper down . I crawled on the bed getting in her space . She laid back on the bed breathing heavily.

{ kehlani}
Yeah , I did order something's for the apartment complex. Also that shit you pulled last night baby . We will be talking about it , I wasn't asking you.... I was telling you beautiful come on please.

She sighed rolling her eyes , I touched her waist by mistake and she moaned accidentally before getting mad pushing me on the floor stepping over me unlocking my door walking out .

I laughed , watching her walk into her room closing the door behind her . I got up fixing my bed .

Yvette pov

I'm not dealing with her today . She always on some controlling shit . I'm talking about back to back thinking she run some shit .

I started cleaning up my room . Replacing furniture around, when all of an sudden my phone goes off .

I grab my phone sitting down on my bed leaning on my wall .

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