Chapter 7 Meeting kehlani x unexpected visit

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When I was done cooking the chicken , baked beans and greens with Mac and cheese. I fixed me and kehlani a plate and cleaned the kitchen up as I brought her the plate .

For some reason she was hesitating to take the plate from me . I placed the plates down on the table . While I went back into the kitchen grabbing both water bottles and 2 Gatorade bottles .

Just in case she didn't wanna drink no water or wanted both . I cut the kitchen light off with my elbow making my way back to the living room sitting down placing the bottles on the table.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
I'm Yvette Mila Rowland , you meet me this..

{ kehlani}
Actually you meet me I didn't meet you assuming how you was talking to ole dude and how you acted towards me in the elevator. I'm guessing you like that everyday all hard and shit .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
I laughed grabbing my plate ...oh most definitely. I've been this way my whole life . If you gotta problem with it keh..Lani you can get the fuck out respectfully love .

She looked at me grabbing her plate. I started eating as I grabbed my phone powering it off .

{ kehlani}
Nawl , I'm good . where I'm at but on everything just know you meet yo match don't be talking to me like I'm little ass kid I am a grown ass woman just like you.

I looked up at her and she started eating. Ian even finna start , let me get to know her before I get to judging and shit . Here come the people you need to get to know her before you judge her blah blah .

I am finna get to know my roommate the person that's in my shit and eating my food . So shut the fuck up and sit back pookie.

Anyways she get to looking at tv and shit . So I grabbed the remote turning the tv down . Grabbing my water bottle , she looked over at me adjusting her body .

Ian gon lie she fucking that food up . I chuckled almost chocking on my water . She wasn't even phased at all . I can definitely tell she eat tf out so... I mean she hungry.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
So , kehlani ?

{ kehlani }
Yeah , Yvette?

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
How come I never seen you around here before? You don't look like you from here .

{ kehlani}
That's because I'm not from around here Yvette I'm from California I moved out here for a fresh start . Things was getting a little crazy down in cal .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Oh for real , I've been here my entire life . So if you can find something out here to do you a goat kehlani for real .

{ kehlani}
That's why you so fucking mean .

We both started laughing.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Nope , it's because of all the things I been through. I just try to tell myself things . Will eventually get better for me . But it never does so this the best way I can get the results.

{ kehlani}
I been through things too but , I'm not taking it out on everything and everybody because I can , I live with this shit called trust the process and besides...

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Yeah man that's you not me . I did that shit and almost lost my life . Maybe it was the female I was talking to I knew something was off with her ...

I stopped talking then , she snapped me out of the trance .

{ kehlani}
Yvette, how long have you been living here ?

She said looking around placing her plate on the table grabbing her water bottle as , I placed my plate on the table sliding back on my chair crossing my legs .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Uh for about 4years . I used to move around a lot . But I ended up finding this place and staying longer .

She nodded drinking her water . Then their was a knock at my door kehlani looked at me placing her water down .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Uh kehlani what time is it ?

Uh 12:30

I made a face getting up walking to my front door . Cause kehlani can't be having company . She just got her so I know she not inviting people over and shit .

I didn't even look through the peephole. I need to start doing that shit to by the way . I opened the door and it was my mom , I closed the door in her face .

And she opened the door walking in I looked over at kehlani , who grabbed the plates off the table taking them into the kitchen.

{ real mom }
Girl is that anyway you speak to your mother. Now , I've been calling and calling . But nobody answer so I thought I stepped by personal.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Uh ma ....

{ real mom }
Oh girl shut up I'll be staying with you for 30days .

She said walking in the living room. What the fuck was she doing here , she knows I hate her but Ian even finna lie . She worst then me , we have the same damn attitude.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Ma you can't stay here I have a roommate. You need to leave y..

{ real mom }
Yvette Mila Rowland i suggest you figure it out now . I'll be sleeping in your room and you can have the living room .

I balled my fist up , when kehlani walked out the kitchen and my mother turned around looking at her .

{ real mom }
Oh hey , you must be Yvette's roommate I am her mother Allie Rowland .

Kehlani shakes her hand smiling .

{ kehlani}
Yes I am her new roommate kehlani nice to meet you miss Rowland.

I took a deep breath as my mother pushed kehlani into the kitchen talking to her . I went straight to my room slamming my room door .

After slamming my room door , it opens up and my mom walk inside my room .

{ Real mom }
Yvette Mila Rowland hAve you lost your damn mind . You don't be slamming doors around her . Now how would your father feel .

I turned around and looked at her laughing . She took her gloves off and her coat placing in the chair next to her .

{ Yvette Mila Rowland }
Fuck him and you ! I know you not worried about how he would feel , when he used to beat the fuck out of you if you even breathe to hard around him .

She slapped me pushing me into the wall . I looked at her with tears that dared to escape my eyes .

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