Chapter 22 Dream x inlove with kehlani

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When I made it to her house , we got to fighting . She crazy as hell like y'all she really tried to stab me .

I laughed it off , after she cut me . I fucked her , but all she did was cry . Trying to apologize talking about some .

She didn't mean to cut me or try to stab . I looked her dead in the face and told her " bitch yes the fuck you did , but it's all good " .

I tried to leave but she was gripping my arm tightly . So , I laid there with her until . she fall asleep , when i just got comfortable and didn't wanna move .

I mean since , I've been back things has been a little different . I don't know if I like in but when I was fucking this girl , the whole time I was thinking about kehlani.

I almost slipped up and called her kehlani name lucky I caught myself . I moved her hand from around my waist stepping on the floor , grabbing my keys .

When I grabbed my keys I grabbed my bag , walking right out the door heading towards the car .

When I got to the car kehlani called me . I got in the car starting the car answering the phone .

{ Kehlani}
Yvette where are you at ? I gotta be somewhere aro-

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
I'm heading back now kehlani . Like you act like you gotta meeting or something .

{ kehlani}
It don't matter hurry up bruh , we need to talk when you get back anyways about personal space cause you don't know what that is

I laugh pulling out her driveway placing my phone on the dashboard, while i accidentally FaceTime Kehlani.

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
I do know what personal space is I just don't care kehlani beside I'm starting to think you don't know what it means

{ kehlani}
Whatever oh yeah some female came by looking for you I told her you was out fucking she looked upset.

Kehlani said laughing eating something. I made a face while driving not saying anything then kehlani spoke again.

{ kehlani}
What you making faces for , you know you out fucking but what through me off was she was mad when I said it

{ Yvette Mila Rowland}
Ain't nobody making faces you always wanna be assuming shit . Don't tell-

{ kehlani}
All you do is fucking lie Yvette . Im looking dead at you making faces —— HURRY UP AND BRING ME MY FUCKING CAR BEFORE I REPORT MY SHIT STOTLEN

Kehlani hung up the phone . I looked at my phone confused shaking my head. I started speeding down the highway.

I started playing music to clear my mind . But for some reason I was thinking about kehlani.

I shook my head thinking about . What female came to my apartment besides Keshia and i know that bitch not that crazy .

I grabbed my phone calling Jules .

{ Jules }
Hey baby wassup?

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