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'Because this is where I wanna be, where it's so sweet and heavenly'

The boy's eyes, slowly opening, were met with the intense light due to him forgetting to close his blinds the night before, too exhausted after training to do anything else but sleep

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The boy's eyes, slowly opening, were met with the intense light due to him forgetting to close his blinds the night before, too exhausted after training to do anything else but sleep.

Today was resting day and it would have been a lie to say he hadn't been looking forward to it for the whole week. It was 10am and all he was thinking about now was how soon, Laura will be there.


Laura, Laura, Laura.

Everytime he was saying her name, it sounded a little bit more beautiful. It was a never ending story, one that Jude would never like to see end. He didn't mind to click on rewind every day.

When Jude met Laura, they were both sixteen years old. The young girl was in his economy class and the teacher had put them next to each other. He remember sighing because at this moment he had wished he could have sit next to his friend but there he was, next to this girl he had never seen before and had no idea of what her name might be.

But she was utterly nice that no one could really dislike her. No one reasonable at least. No one Jude would like.

The two teenagers started being fast friends and both looking forwards their economy class. Jude started spending his breaks with her and ditching his friends. Jude was not in love, he was a teenage boy come on, love ? You could hear him roll his eyes.

It's just that next to Laura, it was different. Like the real Jude.

When Jude started playing football professionally, he swear he could still remember her screams cheering for him from the bleachers. Not long after, borussia Dortmund offered him the offer. When he got the annonce he was so shocked he could barely move while she was yelling hugging and saying how proud she was.

But when they understood they would be appart from each other, he could still hear the "oh" escaping from her lips. Jude would live without his family, without his mom, his dad, his brother and all of his friends. But being appart from Laura was another kind of pain. So as the dumb teenage boy he was, he said "come with me.". Laura laughed and rolled her eyes, "as if it was that easy". But it was. Laura was a translator, meaning she could basically work from home and it didn't really matter if she was based in England or in Germany. So, as the dumb teenage girl she was, Laura accepted.

When Jude's mother learned the news, she smiled so brightly. She was the first person to see it. She never bothered her son with it because she knew him and she knew he would roll his eyes while saying that it was bullshits. But she could swear that one day, they'll say yes to each other and hold hand forever.

It was only a few months ago that Jude realized it.

It was Gio that lightened him actually. It was becoming unbearable to alway hear about Laura all day. "Aren't you bored of always talking about her ? Are you in love with her or what ?" . "I'm not in love with her, she's my best friend."

But the gaze changed, was it normal ? Was it normal to laugh at all of her jokes ? Was it normal for him to feel his heart miss a bit when her laugh echoed to his ? Was it normal for him to always check on his phone for her notification ? Was it normal for him to drop all of his plans as soon as she called ? Was it normal to randomly look at her and smile ?

And then it ringed all right. He was finally putting the pieces together and the musical massacre sounded like a melody.

Jude was in love.

That was why.

All along.

That was why it hurt so bad.

But dear Lord it was only the beginning.

The door ringed making the boy in the bed wake up from his reverie.

Laura was here.

Putting a jogging and a sweatshirt on, he rushed to the door, opening it and meeting her smiley face.

He let her in and after greeting him, the girl sat on the couch, waiting for him to join her which he did not loose time to do.

That's what home felt like.

The girl took the commander on the couch next to her and started searching for something to watch with her best friend.

While she was doing so, Jude, him, couldn't look away from her. Because when she was here he couldn't look at anything else.


Laura, Laura, Laura.

by DollHurtFace

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