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'Yo me voy contigo a matar, no me dejes solo
¿ pa dónde vas ?'

'Yo me voy contigo a matar, no me dejes solo ¿ pa dónde vas ?'

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Alexa sighed. She had been left alone by her friend who had ran away too afraid to talk about her feelings. She didn't mean to be insistent, she just wanted Laura to know what was everyone thinking.

She got up, thinking she needed refreshing. The girl started walking in the unknown apartment, avoiding to colliding into bodies.

She had never been in Jude's apartment before, hence her desperately trying to find the bathroom.

Alexa turned down a door handle, praying for it to be the restroom because it was the third times she had mistaken a room. As soon as she looked up, her eyes were set on two bodies glued to each other and colliding mouths.

The two person had heard the noise of the door opening leading them to stop their actions and turn to the new person in the room.

'Oh my God, I'm so sorry.' Alexa rushed to apologize but before any other thoughts could come to her mind, something in her heart tightened.

The boy.

She knew this face. 

'Is there a problem ?' He had asked, seeing her staring at him.

The Italian accent went straight to her lungs and for a few seconds, they were crushed.

'No. Sorry.' She said, her voice slightly trembling. She closed the doors and stood in the corridor all by herself. She could hear the muffled music from the living room with laughter and bits of conversation from here and there.

The light skinned woman forced her breathing to regular themselves by filling progressively her lungs a few times. But nothing could take the feeling in the deep of her stomach.

Everything her and Jude were trying to teach Laura was always in vain because they're would always be people making her mom right. This thought broke Alexa's heart and she wiped the single tear that had escaped her eye.

She headed to the living room, she needed to find him, he'd knew what to do. He always did when it was Laura related.

When she spotted him, he was standing in the kitchen next to his little brother. She couldn't even take the time to greet any of them that Jude had already seen her and her blurry eyes. A worried expression took place and his former relaxed features disappeared.

'What's going on ?' Jude asked the girl, not taking the time to greet her either, even though he hadn't seen her for months and he would have usually crushed her in his arms. But right now, the tears she was trying to keep in her eyes and the lost expression on her face was worrying him. Jobe turned his head not even noticing the girl walking in before Jude mentioned her. 'Is she okay ?'

Jude hated that she was always the first thing he'd think of. Alexa could have been armed, or maybe anyone here tonight could have been, and that'd be horrible. But nothing was worse than Laura being hurt so he'd rather being reassured and heard Alexa say that she was fine, he'd worry about the actual problem later.

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