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'J'ai la tête qui éclate, je voudrais seulement dormir
M'éteindre sur l'asphalte, et me laisser mourir'

'J'ai la tête qui éclate, je voudrais seulement dormirM'éteindre sur l'asphalte, et me laisser mourir'

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Laura already thought about it. Nothing really alarming, we all think about it after all.

So sometimes when the nightmares where too scary or the voices would not shut up, she'd think about it.

But it always took someone truly special to always survive.

Tonight she couldn't stop the thoughts.

It was all so stupid.

Jude's birthday was in less than a month and his mom had planned a surpise party which Laura wasn't really thrilled about but she'd do it for him cause he's do it for her. Laura wanted to find a dress, even though she hated dresses, she thought maybe she could make an effort for his twentieth birthday.

When she entered the shop earlier this day, everything in her mind was the breakfast she had eaten a few minutes before.

How she hated eating.

But she always ended up doing so.

Going through the hallways she searched for the perfect dress, or at least something that wouldn't make her want to cry for hours.

And then she saw it.

It was a perfect dress. White with tiny yellow flowers covering it. It had a discret cleavage and even though she used to hate her chest and she still did, she could picture herself wearing it.

Delicately smiling, Laura grabbed the dress and went into the fitting room.

She turned her back to the mirror while dressing up and as soon as the dress was on, Laura sighed and prepared herself. It was not the moment nor the place to start crying.

Turning around and meeting her appearance in the glass, Laura let out a slight gasp.

A tear rolled down her cheek.

She was pretty.

She wasn't the prettiest woman on earth, of course.

But she wasn't this hideous monster she thoughts she was.

She was pretty.

And this thought made her want to cry.

Someone else's gasp was heard in the hallway of the fitting room and Laura let her head poke out of the curtain.

It was a mother looking at her daughter. I mean that's what Laura deduced given the age of the two woman. The older one was sat on a bench smiling brightly at the other one who was wearing a dress and turning around to show how perfectly it fitted.

The dress was beautiful.

It was white whit tiny yellow flowers all over it with a discret cleavage.

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