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'Quand il me prend dans ses bras, qu'il me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose'

'Quand il me prend dans ses bras, qu'il me parle tout bas, je vois la vie en rose'

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'Okay start from the beginning.' Alexa said, looking at her distracted friend, pacing up and down her hotel room.

She had opened the door to the teenage girl a few minutes ago and all she had received for informations towards her current state were blabbers of sentences and wiped mascara on her cheeks.

Laura sniffed holding her head in her hands, still walking as if she was exploring the white room. 'He kissed me.'

'Who kissed you ?' Her light skin friend asked, feeling more confused than before and arboring a slight headache from all the pacing.

The brunette that had been moving for a good five minutes abruptly stopped, she detached her hands from her head and let her eyes get lost somewhere. A wave of fear hit her, if she said it out loud, the truth would hit her more than ever.


Her best friend's name resonated in the empty room. What used to be a mantra to her, a word that would always calm and quiet her was now the center of her fears and anticipations.

'Jude kissed you ?' Alexa's eyes seemed to get the rounder they could and the shocked expression on her face would have been so laughable in any other contexte were Laura was not panicking.

'Jude kissed me.' Realization made her voice broke.

'Like on the lips ? Like a lover kiss ?' Her best friend asked, still not believing what she had just been told.

'You're not helping, Alexa.' The girl complained.

'I'm sorry.' She said, biting her lip when her best friend's panic attack hit her. 'I just never thought I'd leave to see it happen.' But she couldn't help the thrill going on in her heart. After years and years of having to tell Jude that he should confess to his friend, knowing he finally listened to her warmed her heart.

But when she saw Laura's full of anxiety's eyes, the warm left earlier than expected.

'Okay sit down and tell me what happened in details.' Alexa said, soothing her voice down.

Laura sat on the bed, beside her friend. The flashbacks of everything that had happened earlier hitting her. When she had gotten out of Jude's apartment she had panicked and had decided to take her car to drive to the hotel she knew Alexa was staying in.

It was the kind of crises where the only person that could calm her was the one she was trying to run away from.

Laura's thoughts took control when they flashed images of Jude's brown eyes and his sweet smile while his hands would caress her back, trying to calm her down.

Laura brutally closed her eyes, trying to take the dreamy scene out of her mind.

She remembered soon enough that her friend had asked her a question and she had been waiting for an answer.

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