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'I Hope that he looks at me and thinks "Shit, she's so pretty"'

Jude was sat on this random couch on this random apartment in Dortmund

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Jude was sat on this random couch on this random apartment in Dortmund. The young boy received an invitation for a party at one of his teammate's friend's. The decorating was mediocre and in this kind of moments, he find himself missing Laura's cosy loft. But lucky for him, he had convinced her to come with him. So there she was, sat in the opposite couch. She was there but way too far from him and his hands were burning from the lack of contact.

She was making conversation with this girl sat next to her, a smile on her face and her eyes slightly crunched because of her chubby cheeks and the huge smile.

She looked ravishing tonight, like every night obviously. But tonight felt different. A different kind of beauty. A pure one, a sensual one or maybe just the way this red lipstick she had put on earlier was improving her smile and making her look so god damn sexy.

When Jude saw her get into his car, he swear he felt like a teenager seeing a woman for the first time. The way her clivage was perfectly accentuating her chest and how this dress was suiting her so well.

It has been at least a few minutes since he's been detailing every part of her face. Of her body sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Of her voice echoing the other girl's.

Jude would answer briefly at what Gio, say right next to him, telling him about today's training.

He didn't care the slightest bit, all of his attention was fixed on her.

And their eyes met.


She saw him.

What if she asked him why he was looking at her like that ?

Why he was devouring her body with his eyes and why he couldn't tear off of her.

Maybe he'd have the guts to tell her that it's because she looks so beautiful tonight and he can't keep his eyes off of her. That it would burn him alive to do so.

And then she'd blush and ramble some thank you but Jude would kiss her to make her stop. Because what prettier way to shut her up then to passionately, finally, kiss her.

And then they'd kiss, and kiss, and kiss.

And that would be the best moment of his whole life.

Touching her lips with his.

Everything will feel finally complete and perfect.

But she didn't, she turned around and then turned back at Jude smiling.

"She's beautiful."

"She is." He answered, looking deep into her eyes. Cause how beautiful she was, his Laura. How perfect she could be, his Laura.

"You should go talk to her." Wait what-


His eyes drifted behind her and were met with this blonde and tall girl holding a glass surely full of alcohol in her hand.


I mean sure, she was pretty. But surely not beautiful. Beautiful was Laura's word. No one could be beautiful, she had the monopole over it.

"I don't know." Well the truth was that he just did not want to. All he wanted was to stay here and look at her for the rest of the night.

"She's not gonna reject you. She's been looking at you all night." She smiled, encouraging him to go and talk to this girl he didn't give a damn about. He was disappointed. Disappointed that she wasn't jealous, that she wasn't even hurt by him liking another girl because he knew he would be fuming if she ever told him about another boy.

So he got up, smiled at his Laura, and went to see this girl. He'd do it for her at least.

She was nice and cute.

She had tall, skinny and tanned legs. A short black dress with a clivage but it wasn't as beautiful as Laura's. She was pretty, sure.

But she wasn't his pretty.

A few minutes later, Jude was back on the couch where Gio had saved his place.

Laura smiled at him seeing he did have her number on a little paper that he mindlessly put in his pocket.

"I still don't get what you're waiting for." Gio's voice ringed and Jude turned his head in his direction.

"I can't tell her." He sighed. "You don't get it, what if I-"

"What if you loose her ? I know. But you won't."

"How do you know that ?"

"I just do. And I'm not the only one."

Jude's eyes were back on her, again and again like a vicious circle. He'd get tired of it and say he's over her, but then he'd desperately miss the feeling of relief when his eyes were on hers.

"She's so perfect. I would be too scared to hurt her if I tell her." He said, thinking about every possible way he could tell her how he felt.

"Kiss her, I'm sure she'd kiss you back."

"She wouldn't, she's too stubborn to think I could like her." He nodded, knowing her so well.

"You can't know till you tried."

by DollHurtFace

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