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'Cause you keep me on a rope, and tied a noose around my throat'

'Cause you keep me on a rope, and tied a noose around my throat'

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Jude's world fell apart.

His heart was beating slow, so slow he could barely feel it anymore. Was it real ? Was Laura actually in a relationship ?

It didn't even feel real, maybe because Jude had never thought of it before.

Was she dating someone that wasn't him ?

Was it another boy siting so close to his Laura ?

Did someone stole his Laura from him ?

If Jude had something in his mouth right now, he'd probably choke on it. Even his saliva wasn't here, his mouth was dry and so were his eyes, since when did he not close them ? Had he been staring like a weirdo for minutes ?

'Oh.' How stupid is that, Jude ? The boy cursed himself but to be honest, it was the only thing he had enough strength to say. 'As in you guys have a relationship ?' That was probably even more stupid, but Jude needed to know, maybe he had it all wrong and she meant his boy friend, or maybe he has misheard, maybe she was just using the wrong word and she actually meant to say-

'Yes' oh no 'as in we're in a relationship' oh no, oh no, oh no.

Jude bit his cheek to keep the tears to even show in his eyes and cleared his throat to make the knot in it go away.

'You didn't tell me.' He said watching Laura in the eyes because he couldn't even bare to look at the other guy. He needed her to hug him, and to tell him that it was all a bad joke, that she was not in a relationship with anyone, that she could never do this to him. But Jude was so stupid.

'I'm telling you now.' Laura said, knowing what she was saying was probably sounding dumb, so she added. 'I was scared.'

'Scared of what ?'

'I don't know, I was scared.' She shrugged.

The boy knew that she was scared of Ricardo not actually liking her, of everything being a dream, of her waking up alone. Jude knew Laura way too much to not recognize when she was overwhelmed by what her mother used to teach her.

'Okay.' He said and then nothing. What was he supposed to do now ? Make small talk with a guy he completely despised ? Or run away ? God he wanted to run anyway so bad, but he couldn't do that to her. So he choose the first option.

'So how did you two meet ?'

That's how a series of small talk began where Jude would just throw a new subject Everytime that It'd get awkward so he didn't have to think about anything because he couldn't bare it.

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