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'Hide tide came and brought you in, and I could go on and on, and I will'

'Hide tide came and brought you in, and I could go on and on, and I will'

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Laura passed her hands on the tissue covering her body. The light yellow covered in flowers was enveloping her silhouette. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror and hoped that it would give her a tiny bit of courage to go through the evening.

Today was Jude's birthday.

Jude was turning 20 and Laura knew he was probably freaking out because he always had this fear of growing up too fast and loosing time. But his anxiety would calm down every time Laura would give him 'the speech'. 'The speech' was Laura's vision on growing old next to people you loved, how wonderful it was to learn things about yourself and about people you loved, that everyday outside was a day spend loving the world and being part of it, and that every minutes that passed was a minute spend loving and so it was all worth it. Every time, Jude's heart would swallow with love and he would calm down because if growing up meant being next to Laura every minutes, then he wouldn't mind never stop growing.

The brunette's feet tapped on the apartment floor until she was standing in front of boyfriend who was sitting on the couch watching TV.

The boy had his eyes fixed on the screen broadcasting an emission that looked way too uninteresting in the girl's opinion. She made her presence known by hawking but it looked like that wasn't enough to make him focus on her.

'Ricardo.' Laura said breaking the trance he was in and finally turning his eyes on her. 'What do you think ?' She asked about her outfit while offering her boyfriend a charming smile.

'Mh' he said eying her body up. 't's nice.' He mumbled.

Seeing that he did not move from the couch, Laura didn't move her gaze from him either. She took the time ton look at the clothes he was wearing and even though she always thought he was handsome in whatever outfit, she couldn't help but think he had made no effort to dress. His red sweat shirt and dark blue jeans with a cap on, he looked like he looked every other day.

'Are you going like this ?' She asked the boy pointing at his outfit.

He raised his head, looking away from the TV he was captivated by 'Yes, why ?'

Jude hates red.

'Nothing. You look great.' She smiled, yes, he looked great.

'Thanks.' He said before standing and grabbing his shoes he put in a few instants. He gaze at Laura and smiled, probably a forced one, but he was too pretty for her to notice it. 'Let's go ?'

The young couple was walking in the lightened streets of Dortmund. Laura had slight chills on her arms uncovered by her dress. She rubbed her hands on them, trying to bring heat by the friction and reminding herself that it was just a matter of time before she'll be in her best friend's heated apartment. Suddenly, it hit her and she brutally stopped.

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