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'I'm in the corner of your cage mascara running down my face'

'I'm in the corner of your cage mascara running down my face'

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Laura stopped hoping.

She used to be a hopeless romantic. The kind that would always dream about loving eyes and strong arms wrapped around her. Everywhere she'd go, she would look for it. Anytime a boy would look in her eyes, she'd secretly hope that he liked her. Because she wanted to feel the same that they did in the movies. She was praying for the same love story as all of them.

Because what was the point of Gina's life without Manny. What was the point of Roxane's life without Cyrano, of  Morticia's life without Gomez, of Juliet's life without Romeo, of Apollonia's life without Michael.

What was the point of Laura's life without Jude.


But Laura had no hope.

Her mother took all of it away from her.

She tear it appart, broke her childish heart and forced her to grow up broken because she was different. So did it mean she deserved it all ? All the pain ? Because she wasn't like them ? She deserved the starving and stabbing, the hard feelings and purgings ?

That's what Mom said.

Pain is beauty, but beauty will take away your pain.

The cries of the child were heard in the whole apartment. Anaïs was sat on the couch in the middle of the living room, reading some stupid people magazine.

She used to have to focus on the words to ignore her baby's cries because even though she wasn't the best of all, she was still a mother, so she covered her ears. But now, it wasn't the first time, and she was used to the little pain in her heart. She even learned how to numb it.

In the other room, little Laura had a headache. Her loud cries and the hot tears on her puffy face were making her head spin. The lack of food in her belly was forcing her to stay on the floor.

It was the second day of the punishment, meaning it was the last. Laura hated those two days but lately, her mom seemed to multiply them. Two days without food, Laura thought she was so lucky to have water because mom said most kids didn't. But why would parents do that to their kids ? Was Laura that bad ? She must have been.

Sometimes she wished her mom wasn't here so she could eat again and again, without caring if the dress would fit her after her meal. Laura was so hungry she could have eaten the whole fridge.

Her empty stomach was starting to hurt but her begs were fading. Slowly falling asleep on the tiles, the floor wet with her tears as her her little body stopped shivering.

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