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'I'm a sad girl, I'm a sad girl, I'm a bad girl'

Jude's mom voice could be heard through the walls of the apartment when Laura entered

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Jude's mom voice could be heard through the walls of the apartment when Laura entered. Jude had just texted her an hour ago telling her his mom was here for the weekend so she was welcome if she ever wanted to come and say hi. Obviously, Laura couldn't refuse. Denise was like a mom to Laura, at least she showed her all the love her own mother wasn't able to show her.

She had missed her voice and his mixing together. She loved the way Jude's attitude was automatically changing when he was speaking to his mom and how he always made sure to call her every week, how she would always tell him she loved him before leaving, anywhere it might be and how he would answer with a "love you mum." She envied the way his mom was everything she wish her mom was.

"Hello, darling." The bright black woman's smile instantly made Laura smile. "How do you look that beautiful in a tracksuit ?" She said complimenting the girl that had just arrived.

Laura blushed and thanked her before mentally noticing that never her mom would have said that. But she forbade herself to think about her, not now.

"Did you already ate ?" Jude asked the girl.

"No I didn't, I had a bit of stomach ache." She explained, lying about her condition. It technically wasn't a lie, her stomach did pains her, but only because it was screaming for her to nourish her body. "Are you okay ?" A worried look took place on the young man's face "Yes I feel way better now." A huge smile then took place on his face before standing up. "Great then. Mum, coffee, tea ?"

"A coffee please, sweetheart." She answered, smiling to her son while following him on the kitchen accompanied with Laura.

Jude grabbed the coffee and filled a cup before giving it to his mom. He then opened his fridge and took a plate with chicken and rice that was already all prepared and placed it in the microwave. Laura sat on the dining table with six chairs around it even though the only one using it were her and Jude because he had barely anyone else here. She knew why he was heating the plate and she ended up being right when he placed the hot food in front of her while gently smiling at her.

Denise and Jude sat at the table while the girl ate, chatting about anything and everything. That was what having a family felt like. Laura felt truly happy and she evens surprised herself not thinking about what she was eating, too busy laughing at some stupid jokes that her boy made.

After finishing the whole plate she wiped her mouth with the tissue that Jude had put next to her plate like he always did because he knew Laura had this stupid fear of having food around her mouth and looking stupid so she would always wipe her mouth after every bite.

She excused herself and went towards the bathroom. Jude's eyes followed her, he could lie to himself by saying that he was only lost in his thoughts and wasn't really looking at anything, but he couldn't take his eyes of her. It wasn't really on purpose, he just had to check on her every second to make sure she was still here to calm his heartbeat, to make sure she didn't run away, to make sure that her existence wasn't just a dream of his.

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