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'The game is on again, a lover or a friend'

The brunette was sitting on the apartment's couch holding her drink in her hand

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The brunette was sitting on the apartment's couch holding her drink in her hand. She would alternate between looking at people's outfit, trying to read on their lips or just getting lost in her own thoughts trying in vain to entertain herself.

Ricardo had gone missing since she last saw him in the street about an hour ago. She did see him at some point, hanging around with a few people, he was great at making friend. Better than her, judging by the fact that she was sitting on her best friend's couch on his birthday. But Laura didn't want to bother him and she knew he had so many people over tonight while she was here the whole year. She wanted tonight to be about him and not her stupid anxiety.

Soon enough, her loneliness was broke by someone's presence.

'Hi.' Jobe said as soon as his body hit the sofa, automatically turning his head to the lady next to him.

'Hi.' She smiled, taking in the teenager. Every time she saw him, he looked more like his brother. 'You look great.'

'Thanks, so do you.' he answered, receiving a simple smile in return. He watched her for a few seconds, reminding himself of how much he had missed having her around his house. Now that she was in Dortmund with his brother he was able to see her only once in a while. He wasn't much for feelings and everything, but he had to admit that loosing his brother and his sister at the same time made him feel like a crying toddler asking for his siblings attention again. 'So rumours has it that you have boyfriend.'

Laura turned to him again, frowning her brows. 'Let me guess, Jude is the one spilling rumours.'

'No I actually was the one to see him first tonight, lucky me.'

Laura rolled her eyes and answered his sarcastic remark. 'He's not so bad.'

'Really ? Does he treat you right ?' It was his turn to furrow his brows.

'Don't get protective on me, Jobe. I got enough of that with the other Bellingham.' She sighed, still keeping her smile on.

'That doesn't answer the question.'

'Yes.' She was back to rolling her eyes. Laura knew Jude and his brother weren't aiming to be mean or overprotective and it was even all from a good intention, so she was used to not say anything. but from time to time, they coud just be too much. 'He is treating me right, he is sweet and he cares about me.' Jobe was listening to her little speech about her boyfriend while letting his eyes scan the room before falling on the Ricardo guy he had the chance to meet earlier. He was standing next to a groupe of three girls. One of them was pretty close to him, so close that he was able to whisper in her hear while having his hand hovering over her hips. A disgust goosebumps went through him. 'And he likes me.'

The sentence had him turn his complete attention back on her. Her eyes were wandering too. but they were fixed on the apartment's floor. Jobe was not stupid and he knew about her self confidence problem, the teenage boy also suspected the girl to have some sort of eating disorder but it felt like it was out of had to talk about that with her and everytime he would tell Jude about it, it would make him sad.

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