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'I've got my eye on you'

Jude overthinked all of it

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Jude overthinked all of it. He analyzed every parcels, read and reread every memos, all that came out of it was guilt.

If he didn't choose to be selfish for a few seconds, it would have never happened.

What if she didn't call him ? What if there was traffic jam ? What if she took different pills ? What if Laura's eyes weren't shiny anymore ?

Every time the boy let the thoughts take over, he would feel this weird sensation of cold in his whole body, like if it was freezing all inside of him, a cadaveric cold.

Laura typed on her computer, letting the keys noise fill the whole room. It had been a few days since she didn't write anything and as much as relaxing helped her, she missed her words.

Jude was the one forcing her to take a break. After the night, the boy told Laura to call her boss because she desperately needed to breathe. Which she did, but five days of eating noodles while watching Glee with her best friend was enough and Laura was more than happy to find her routine back. Everything was back to normal now. Almost everything at least. Because Jude was over-watching her now. Scanning all of her moves and taking care of every seconds she spend.

Laura had to explain everything to him after what happened, so now he knew it all. All of her vices. Jude already had a few doubts with conversation he had with Alexa but nothing sure. Knowing that all of this time, she had done this to herself and suffered silently, it was a rough time for Jude's little heart. He knew he didn't choose the easiest one to love but every time he looked at her little focused face, scrunching her eyebrows while looking at her computer screen, he knew that she was worth the pain.

Jude put a bowl of pasta in front of Laura, cutting her into her translation. She looked up, met his eyes  and smiled, silently thanking him.

Jude sat in front of her and, seeing that the girl didn't quit tapping on her keyboard, said 'Now.'

'I just want to finish the chapter and-' she was short cut by his stare and she knew she had no place to discuss so she closed her computer and grabbed her fork.

'So what's going on ?' Jude asked.

'Jude you've been with me for five full days, nothing new you don't already know about.' she answered sarcastically.

'What's going on in the book you idiot.' He said rolling his eyes.

'Oh' she smiled and blushed, not used to the attention about her career. People were usually really interested in Jude's because not everyone was a famous footballer, so she barely got asked a random 'and you, what are you doing ?'. 'Well Sara and Brice are at this random wedding they sneaked in and they're gonna have sex on the beach nearby.'

'Oh so that's why you didn't want to quit then.' He said smirking and making her blush. 'No but seriously, that's what's you do for a living ? You write porn ?' He continued making fun of her, knowing she wouldn't take it the wrong way.

'Oh please, you run after a ball for an hour and a half.'

'And I make millions of euros.' He answered, his smile getting bigger and bigger.

'That makes more money to buy me gifts.' She replied making definitely Jude's smile the biggest possible.

'Talking about gifts, my birthday is coming up, why did you bought me ?' He asked childishly.

'Surprise. But you can still try to take a guess.'

'Is it a video game ?'


'Clothes ?'


'A pillow with your face on it.'

'No you weirdo, why would you even think of this ?'

'Is it a book just for me ? I hope it's spicy.'

'How did you know ?' She said, pouting.

'Is it really that ?'


'You're not funny, I wanted to read your sexy stuff.' He mumbled making her chuckle.

Laura grabbed her now empty bowl, stood up and took Jude's one before heading to the kitchen.

'You're out of guesses, you'll just have to wait to see.'

'But it's too looooonnnng.' Jude whined.

'You're such a kid.'

'Yet I'm almost 20, how scary is that ?'


Laura put the bowls away in the drawer and leaned on the counter, listening to Jude's gossips about yesterday's training.

A yawn escaped her lips and Jude's eyebrows scrunched. 'At what time did you go to sleep last night ?'

It was her turn to be confused now, was he babying her this much ? 'I don't know, around 2am.'

'It's nap time then.' He said all smiley.

Even if Laura could be bored of Jude overprotecting her, she knew it was just because he got so scared and she was the cause of it, she also knew her best friend which meant that it was just a temporary episode.

Soon everything will come back to normal.

Right ?

by DollHurtFace

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